What are the most common cryptocurrencies?

What are the most common cryptocurrencies?

Bitcoin: Bitcoin was the first and is the most commonly traded cryptocurrency to date. The currency was developed by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009, a mysterious figure who developed its blockchain. It has a market capitalisation of around $45 billion as of July 2017.

Ethereum: Developed in 2015, ethereum is the currency token used in the ethereum blockchain, the second most popular and valuable cryptocurrency. Ethereum has a market capitalisation of around $18bn as of July 2017. However, ethereum has had a turbulent journey. After a major hack in 2016 it split into two currencies, while its value has in recent months reached as high as $400 but crashed briefly to as low as 10 cents.

Ripple: Ripple is another distributed ledger system that was founded in 2012. Ripple can be used to track more kinds of transactions, not just of the cryptocurrency. It has been used by banks including Santander and UBS and has a market capitalisation of around $6.3 billion.

Litecoin: This currency is most similar in form to bitcoin, but has moved more quickly to develop new innovations, including faster payments and processes to allow many more transactions. The total value of all Litecoin is around $2.1 billion.


yes and it is most reliable

upvote and follow please

Thanks for your article. Have to agree Bitcoin is number one, half the total market cap of all crypto and a the only 'established' name as far as the main stream media is concerned will ensure it keep its dominance for sometime. However, its slow transaction speeds and high costs reduce it to being a store of value/speculative asset rather than a daily currency. Which do you think will be take the place of the dollar, pound, yen, etc in the future? I hear Bitcoin Cash, Dash or Litecoin are the front runners out of the ones currently out there but would value your opinion.

Bitcoin is I think going to take over all the currencies... its a great future investment
I personally like Bitcoin among all other e-currencies

upvote please :)

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