My Crypto Journey (Part 1) - Initiation

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Putting food on the table...

It happened one day I clicked a link and it took me to a site that talked about cryptocurrency. I thought wow this looks legit but at the same time was wondering if it was possible. I clicked on this advert because I was trying to sell some physical silver on a website (I was quite heavily invested in silver at the time). They guy was asking me if I could pay him in bitcoin and I was thinking "what? who in the real world uses bitcoin?"... wow how wrong I was. Then I saw the advert, it told me about how cryptocurrency would change the way we conduct business and even possibly abolish the fiat banking system. I was intrigued and that lead to investigating it further, youtube videos, articles, etc.

My interested suddenly turned from physical silver which I viewed as a hedge of protection and something I could trade and profit from to this new and wonderful thing called cryptocurrency. I immediately signed up with an exchange and started buying and buying and buying. All this took place only a few months ago, here is my journey into the land of cryptocurrency. I endeavor to take you on this journey and show you through my eyes the pros and cons of digital currency and how to trade it to earn easy money. I hope to teach as I learn, showing you every step of the way how to invest and eventually become financially independent through cryptocurrency and trading online!


Who am I?
I'm a 40yo husband and father who is unable to work due to an incurable illness. I have a family to feed and I thought trading precious metals was the answer... that is until this amazing opportunity presented itself, who would have thought a simple Internet advert could take me down this road! Please follow along as I take you through this digital adventure and share my experiences and hopefully we can learn together :) In the few months of trading I have learned so much I feel I need to share and help others.


Hello. I am also still very new to Crypto. I hope it goes well...

Thank you learning every moment of every day!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 61224.26
ETH 2383.35
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.55