Bitcoin worst week in 2 years – a correction or an planned action ?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago


15th of June 2017 is a date that most of us will remember as a bloodbath.

Seeing nearly all altcoins dropping in two digit numbers was a real test for all the holders out there. All cryptomarket indicators were showing promising trends in the future as earlier this week Bitcoin made a milestone reaching its all-time high of $3,000 per coin. Many news agencies around the world covered that topic and most likely brought in new investors ready to buy some BTC. Next to it there was IOTA market debut with a stunning $1.700.000.000 market cap which was almost certain that much of it would supply BTC and ETH cash pool.

So why did an 30% decline occur?

Let me write this for those open-minded of you out there, with a little bit different scheme. So in order to explain you the big drop in price I need to link to another subject. That one is global politics. Not long time ago everyone was concerned about the USA presidential elections. Those where really bloody awful. Everyone remembers how the debates went and how even shows such as South Park called those candidates. All those leaked emails, scandals at the gatherings, everything of that was nothing but just an show – and nothing more. The real game was played behind the scenes where all major banks were betting their cash on the market. Media were doing all they could to make Hillary win (don’t get me wrong, none of those candidates in my opinion should be a president…) and the markets were speculating on the good early polls. You could say everything was ready for Hillary to win and make the markets go crazy high. With a little war you can manipulate all the markets. But Trump won…

The end of USA ?

Having Donald T. as the new president it was an logical assumption for markets to crash. And… that didn’t happen. How was that even possible! With so much hate on the newly elected president the markets were hitting all-time highs. Nobody seemed to remember Donald’s speeches about the world being in a gigantic financial bubble. Nobody remembered the QE that where given in such large amounts that the US dollar is just a fraction of what it was before taking the gold standard down (since ’71 dollar lost 97% of its purchasing power). FED started to rise the interest rates fearing the inevitable, the most rich ones started to gamble on the market crash (f.e. Buffett's $55 Billion Gamble is a Bet on U.S. Collapse and George Soros Is Betting Big On Disaster). And the crash is still due. Hary Dent calculated that every global currency should die in 40 years. For dollar its 97 years by now (funny thing that in ’71 it was 40 years and bam Nixon took the gold standard down and 40 years later – think for yourselves ). People nowadays are living luxurious as they don’t have to worry about money. When something happens the take credits and live like there is nothing to worry. Gold prices surge up and down and silver prices are almost still (a very interesting topic – read about how the price of silver is manipulated by banks) so nobody is concerned.

Ok, so what is going on ?

The thing is everyone is so used to $$$ they don’t see a world without it. And that’s exactly what banks want. In an era of Central banks money is the only thing that matters. A famous quote tells it all:
"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild
At this moment it is the banks who are trying to pump the stock markets for dollar not to crash. Did you know banks have more shares in facebook than Mark Zuckerberg?

Ok, now you know little enough.

As you know cryptocurrencies have a defined amount which cannot be exceeded (mostly). They are decentralized and have all the aspects people want and all the aspects governments hate. So if you were a bank or government (you can treat them as one if you want) you would be very, very concerned about cryptos. You would ask yourself how to destroy them, and believe me that isn’t easy. If you wanted to buy all of them leaving none behind (yes banks can do that but it would crash the economy) you would make the prices sour up and have many people want to invest in it. On the other hand you can buy some and make market “magic” of bot trading in order for the price to collapse. That’s a better solution but it still isn’t enough as there are many buy orders in all those exchanges which have the priority buy. You could DDoS those platforms in order to make people panic as they cannot access their money. That would make some of them to loose interest in crypto. Ow and of course you could make the media talk all the best about the cryptocurrencies in order to attract the new buyers into the market and crash it afterwards hoping they will be discouraged by an early loss.

Then – what really happened ?

It is just my speculation, as everything that I wrote but I think all of the above happened. The banks want the people mentally disturbed and to abandon the idea of decentralized cash. The best thing is that with this strategy they will get to best possible outcomes for them. The first one isn’t really something impossible to foresee as they want none to invest in crypto and by showing how the crypto’s can crash at any time they get the second advantage which is preparing the nations for a repetition of 2007. So do I really have any evidence for that ? Well of course you heard of DDoS attacks on 15th of June, and if you want to make your own opinion if it really were banking bots trading for fall of BTC and other cryptos look at overlaying charts of f.e. BTC, ETH and ETC.

So I don’t know how about you but I an HODLing strong.


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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 65092.40
ETH 3470.06
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50