*Meaning Of fasting And Prayer*

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Good beautiful morning!

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Yes, I am awake, I usually like to wake up early in the morning. Today my eyes opened at 5:00 AM and I love it!

The energy I feel after going to sleep early around 10 PM is amazing!

Today, I will like to write about fasting and prayer.

Fasting is healthy for you, serves the purpose of cleaning the body as well as permitting a balancing of the circulation, which is absolutely essential to excellent health.
Fasting has been practiced since our ancestors since the creation of the world.

Every morning I wake up fasting, meditate and do some exercises on the beach at the same time.

Trust me, if you do this, you will feel in a great positive energy inside you! I know we are in a transition period, currently at a very down moment in our crypto world. This is one of the reasons that we need our mind and body strong, think positive, be optimistic and bring good thinking in our minds, visualize a very bright future, full of abundance, health, peace, and prosperity!.

Hippocrates, (460BC - 370BC, Greece) who was called, "The father of medicine," fasted often and taught people to fast. He lived nearly 2500 years ago and wrote in great detail the many health benefits of fasting. So this is well established scientific medical knowledge that has also been proven by modern medical case studies.

He once wrote: abstinence and quiet cures many diseases.

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Fasting increases energy, it can be said that fasting is a house deep cleaning to our body and mind.

Practicing fasting is also a powerful spiritual tool.

Always remember fasting and prayer and difficult situations is a perfect combination of both physical and spiritual benefits.

Myself, in particular, I practice every morning and I feel fantastic.

Let us all hope for a better future world, in which our cryptocurrencies help elevate the entire world with abundance and prosperity for all. This planet is flying through space at millions of miles per hour, going around the Sun and spinning like a top, and the entire solar system is shooting through space around a supermassive black hole in the middle of our Milky Way galaxy, which is just one of an infinite number of galaxies and universes. So the fact you are reading this right now and alive this very moment is nothing less than a miracle! Our lives are so special, and we need to cherish and be thankful for every moment. If we all do this, our entire world continue to rise up to the stars and never stop going higher and higher!

I wish you all a beautiful day full of success and love.

All content and photos created by @supernova


This man cleans the beach every morning, he is happy to be alive and positive, he helps our planet by both cleaning the beach and enjoying the sunrise at the same time.


The truth is within you, only you can change your life, we must all strive to improve ourselves each and every day getting better and better all the time!

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Enjoy your day, be strong, and together we'll win this one for us all. The crypto world will live forever and this is just the very beginning of an amazing future we can only begin to start understanding!


Fasting is a period of time in order to focus your thoughts, and focus on God and listen to your inner voice the voice of God as if spoken inside your chest or your soul.

Listen to your heart and this message will resonate with you too!

Write about a story and your experience with your spirit and meditation, others will also be inspired and this message of Love and Peace will continue to spread through the entire Mother Earth.


Thank you for stopping by and read my post.

I wish you peace and love.

@Supernova55, Wed, Agust 15, 2018.



I believe in fasting

Fasting is the best medicine for you!

Lovely and beautiful day @pradeeparora. :D

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Great post @supernova Fasting is good for the body and soul.

Hello :D @steven-patrick.

Thank you so much for your comment. :D

Fasting cleanses the mind as well as the body, super healthy for you.

Enjoy your day. :D

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I also love to fast and pray..it gives one a new revived mind and physical energy for the day ahead! 😊🌻Beautiful photography and blog!

Thank you so much @dianadee for your comment 🤗🌺

Fasting is healthy for you body. I love fasting makes me feel great and my body feel light and clean.


It is a good discipline to include in ones week!:)

Hello @dianadee I just checked my message and I saw you comment. 🤗✌

Yes, discipline is important for our lives. 🤗👌

Enjoy your weekend 🍨🌺

Thank you ..😊🐳

You're welcome 🌺🦋

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Keep up the good work and original content, everyone appreciates it!

Thank you so much @nicnas

I hope you have an excellent week. :D