Twist Network have Released their Unique Data Explorer

Some of you may well remember that, at the beginning of the year, I posted an article about the Twist Network airdrop to Bitcointalk members, and then to subsequent follow-up post which gave a little insight into what the Twist Network company wished to do with their product.

Well, some of you will have read that remembered that one of the extremely interesting points of the company was to make the blockchain more accessible to everyone by allowing users to banish the horrid public wallet/private key scenario we have all been playing along with, and instil a unique ID system which would allow you, or I, to send crypto to each other with a simple username - not too dissimilar to sending a message on a social network.

Since the announcement of the Twist Network I have been keeping you all up to date as best I can and, today, I am happy to notify those who may not be aware of the fact that the Twist Network have actually released their Twist ID explorer and their own block explorer.

With the release of their latest asset you are now able to input a normal, human readable, username of a Twist account and find information which relates to it. You can now also view transactions in a manner which is extremely more human friendly. For example, if you click on the following link (here) you will be able to see a great demonstration of the protocol working - an account named Taylor sent an account named Nemo 25 Twist coins.

This makes life considerably easier for blockchain users who just want to send money to their mates etc and, in my opinion, it is this kind of functionality which will ultimately lead to the mass adoption of blockchain technology.

If you are a Twist holder then these are exciting times and I encourage you all to go and have a look at the new explorer on the link below.


Go to the Twist Data Explorer

Please remember that this article is not to be taken as any form of investment advice and that you should do your own research before investing your hard earned cash into anything. We would also like to remind you that Something Decent is not in anyway responsible for the distribution of airdrops, bounties or giveaways unless it is stated that we are personally conducting them

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