Now Accepting Cryptocurrency Donations!

As deplatforming becomes more common, those of us who aren't brainless should forsake the idea of just relying on older sites and methods that should, but are not, fair and open to everyone.

Bitcoin: 17q1BfF2up8orEKN8DQgpEPX83RfbAZ5QL
Ethereum: 0x956e7aF6706C3b5E2cf7e15c16c7018c4f42aF79
Litecoin: LQNJed6vDhR4U4LB7g8jGep4UQ7yeqJdPw

▶️ DTube

Exodus is pretty nice though. Take your private keys super duper fireproof safe seriously. Don't be like me and lose your key to a wallet. You will regret it lol.

You should convert your SBD to steem then Power it up for about 500 steem power ish. Then you can join a trail. Right now I am on a trail and it gives me roughly two upvotes a day worth about 2-3 dollars each. Its a pretty interesting system and it helps growth on the platform in general. I have been wondering about pulling the trigger and getting 10k steem power so the trail I am using provides 2x 6 dollar upvotes every day...

As your steem power grows you become stronger on the platform and can get on better trails for bigger upvotes. Its a bit weird though.

Frankly someone like yourself should be doing a lot better here. If only I was a whale... :/

I think the biggest problem some celebrities have is they put their videos here. Yet they don't engage in dialog here. That can be the doom for doing well. If they engage with other content creators, respond to comments, and actually are using their voting power to vote they will grow their audience.

Really everyone should do better. The pay for visibility, and pay for votes crap has heavily diluted the actual rewards as far as I can see. Not particularly a good thing for steem. No longer is the content necessarily being actually CURATED.

actually are using their voting power to vote they will grow their audience.

Yeah that's part of it but the most important thing to make it on this platform is to get into a trail

Really everyone should do better. The pay for visibility, and pay for votes crap has heavily diluted the actual rewards as far as I can see. Not particularly a good thing for steem. No longer is the content necessarily being actually CURATED.

If the trail is done well enough it can work within these confines.
Then its really just like getting a sponsor on youtube or something. Th trail has to have standards and curation of its own. I would normally have agreed with your point more but at this time Its really just starting to seem like something you have to do on this platform. I see people who have huge audiences just get overlooked completely.

@styxhexenhammer is a pretty good example of this. So is @hardbastard and even @tjkirk are examples where they have considerable audiences but are not making very much.

Outsiders don't have any voting power. So with steemit you yourself need to have ~500-1000 sp then look to get into a trail that is run similar to what @Trevonjb is doing now. I plan to run something similar if I ever get my hands on more steem power.


  • Must have at least 500 sp.
  • The more SP you have the higher your daily upvotes.
  • Voting power cannot be allowed to go below 90 for long or you get in trouble.
  • Content has to be quality and consistent.

On steemit 2.0 I will have more voting power so this will be how I do it. And ill reach out for content creators. The only catch is you need at least 500 sp to get in.

I was in a trail for about 6 months. Sure I got better curation, but sometimes it sucked my power enough that I wasn't able to give votes to the things I wanted to. So if you are not going to curate yourself then trails are a good idea. If you are going to curate yourself you have to carefully weigh how you are going to use them, or whether you will use them.

I don't use one, as I want to be able to vote when I want for what I want. I am making less curation rewards than if I was in a trail. Yet a trail isn't really you curating what you like... it's letting someone else use your votes for what they like. Definitely better than paying for votes though.

@Trevonjb has his system setup so the bottom is 93% for voting and 90% is the floor you have to stay above. This gives you some buffer to toss some upvotes without too much fear of going too low.
Its a good idea I think.

Ideally though, I agree that it would be better in the long term if we had a lot more people using the platform and each of them had enough steem power to mass upvote content in a truly organic sense. But I dont think this is going to happen any time soon so the best way to use the platform now is to follow a trail like this for now.

This is one of the reasons I have talked about Opgaming, if the trail doesn't encourage people to buy into the platform then it causes issues where people will just use the platform as a dumping ground for poor content. If they have some skin in the game then we know they will act better.

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