How Would You Like to Hold the Keys to $10,000,000 + Dollars ? Fomo3D [ethereum][cryptocurrency]

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

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Next Gen Smart Contracts?

Just when you think the Crypto-world is stagnating!

This is the craziest, the most insane, somewhat mind boggling and yet interesting thing I have seen in crypto Bitcoin I think?

First of all, it is like a game based on the Ethereum Network, but you could literally hold the crypto-keys to around $10,000,000+ Million Dollars worth of Ethereum for about $3.00 US Dollars worth of Ethereum. You will probably hold the keys for a few seconds to those $10M worth of ethereum and maybe a few minutes if you are lucky but that is it. Nothing more and nothing less. Wasted time and Ethereum.

Since you probably Won't be lucky, and you Most definitely will be wasting your Ethereum here, so don't even bother, unless you want to waste your money on make believe, blockchain fantasy, Exit scam, waste of time, Ethereum nonsense.

I mean, look at the link, it says EXIT SCAM right in the link.....and you know what.....If you have any common sense (you, like me, don't IF you are still reading this) DO NOT click on the referral link to this wild shenanigans of a game where you are literally a MULTI-MILLIONAIRE for a few seconds, maybe minutes at best. You can't spend it, you can't move it, or use it. You can look at it. Like I did. :-( Maybe take a screenshot like I did to prove you held THOSE keys.

I was a Holding the Keys to around Ten Million Dollars worth of Ethereum for a few minutes actually. I was one of the lucky ones. I held the keys for about 5 Minutes or so. Honestly, It Was Gawdam Awesome!

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You can see that I am holding the keys as it counts down, and it actually got to 23:55 for a total of about 5 minutes a Millionaire! but forgot to get a final screenshot

Waste of Time or Not?

Now, if you waste you time, and your Ethereum, don't blame me, I told you NOT to click on the link to this madness.

This game is Called FOMO3d.....and for some like me it will be hard to understand, and even harder to even play. And remember, in THIS GAME, there are only LOSERS.....never Winners, well, except for maybe 1....he will be THE ONE!

Ok, so first let me apologize because I think this game/gamble makes you quite delusional. So back to the Game. The game is simple. You pay a little ethereum to hold those MAGIC KEYS to the as of now $10,000,000 worth of Ethereum. You can buy 1 key or 100 keys or more if you wish, but they will all be mostly a waste of money, sort of.

Here it gets a little strange. First there is a timer or clock that is counting down, and when it hits 0, the account holding the keys when the count goes to ZERO will actually outright, totally and completely OWN the keys to that ETHER held by those keys to do as they wish!!

So at this point, you nor I will be the winner.....but you can hold the keys and say you were a Multi-Millionaire, for a few seconds or minutes at least, and be telling the truth, right? And as of now, the price to hold those keys for a mere few seconds is only about $3 Dollars worth of Ether.

Now, some will call this a ponzi scheme, while others think of it as a smart contract lottery game investment gamble. If you pay your $3 of Ether for a key, that key will begin to earn you a small dividend from the game as others pay to take the key away from you, and the next guy and the next guy until someone finally decides that neither they nor anyone else will pay to take the key away from the LUCKY last key holder because it will cost too much. As each key is bought, the price of a key will also go up, slowly, but surely, until no one pays for the keys, the timer winds down to 0 and someone gets to officially own the smart contract holding however many Ethereum tokens there will be in it by then.

So until there is a "Winner," your $3 of Ether you spent will be earning some ether while the "Game" continues with people paying to hold the keys and keeping the timer running. Each key purchase adds 30 seconds to the clock topping out at 24 hours, then it starts to count down again until the next key purchase. So yes it seems like a souvenir, a lottery tickets, a ponzi scheme because you can also earn from referrals to this madness, investment and gamble all in one, while learning more and more about what the possibilities of cryptocurrency are for the future of gaming, gambling and investing.

Now if you are going to get into Fomo3D, then you will also have to check out what started all this insanity with POWH3D, which started out as a joke but turned into this insanity that then spawned Fomo3D. POWH3D stands for Proof of Weak Hands 3D, and it is the original smart contract decentralized ponzi scheme investment craziness that I will explain in another posting.

To participate and get REKT in any of this you will need Metamask and some Ethereum. If you don't know what that is, good! Better for you! Stay Away! Danger! Danger!

If You do know what Metamask is and do have Ethereum and you do go to these insane black holes of crytpo-madness then it is your own Fault because I warned you NOT TO GO THERE!

Nuts? Hell to the Yes it is!

This has been out a as of now it is Round #1 and currently holds around 21,500 Ethereum in the Contract for someone to walk away with. There is more to it as you understand the basics but this is the main part.

Links to Avoid this Madness are at your own peril!

On the bright side, clicking and playing these madness links does buy me a cup of coffee eventually!
Scam 1 - POWH3D
Scam 2 - Fomo3D

Full Steem Ahead!


You say they pay to take the key from you? They pay you? As in, you'll get a larger sum than you paid for the keys?

Posted using Partiko Android

Unfortunately no @improv They pay into the contract and it builds the pot up for that lucky winner...... you get to collect a very very small portion of "dividends" if any on the amount you purchased your key/s with.
It is mostly an experiement/waste of time / worst investment/ best investement/scam/scheme/ponzi/ media exposure/ lotto ticket no lotto ticket/ souvenir and other stuff I am currently forgetting.....oh and a waste of time yet can be addicting.

omg this game is just taking money from new people once the hype is over the last investors will be strangled ... with the difference that nobody can exit scam as the eth is locked in the smart contract...
The only once benefetting are the whales and the early birds other than that it is a scheme luring for ever more eth

This is such a crazy experiment on human greed and yet I find it super fascinating. This concept is simply amazing though when you think about.
For now, 1 key cost around $3 US, but how much do yo think a key will cost when the timer is down to 5 mins? Or 1 minute?
Would you pay $10 to hold the keys when the timer only has 5 minutes left?
Would you pay $100 dollars when there is only 1 minute left and you get to claim all the Ether in the contract? Granted, when you buy the key, you will add 30 seconds to the clock, so you will have to wait 1 1/2 minutes for the timer to run out, unless someone buys the key after you, takes the keys from you almost fortune and adds 30 more seconds to the clock?

This will be the most interesting if this contract doesn't get hacked, or backdoored or something. Time will tell. We shall see.

Good morning @streetstyle, definitely the cryptocurrencies are the future, I am sure, I love seeing that the market is recovering, I hope this continues this semester.
Happy day:)

Yes we know its the future but in future scamming in these coins and currency will increase then shoul make and exit plan avoid scams.

The scams and the bad actions are everywhere, I count on the years that bring experience, so do not worry I know what I do and how I do it

I totally agree with you, sir.

The %age of joining cryptocurrency people is increasing and approximately 1M people using steemit community. I have no information about other communities. But i can say that in 2 years the community increase alot

Yes you are right. For the crypto currency future. Although many people do not think so.


Hopefully Cryptos able to show its existence back to the level of our confidence in Cryptos getting stronger. I think we have suffered long enough hehe

crazy that game is really deceptive.

Crazy yes, but Deceptive no @josevina It is telling Everything you need to konw right up no deception there.

You are really rich.

This post has received a 3.99 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @streetstyle.

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