Start-up from the past: Interview with Globe currency developers (2014)

I would like to introduce you on regular basis some interesting coins and startups on the market. Today I have chosen Globe, and their main develope.

Are there any differencies or unique features in compare with Bitcoin?

Coding wise we currently do not have many features that would differentiate us from Bitcoin. However, miners are taxed a small amount for each block generated. Those holding or transaction Globes are not affecting.

This structure gives Globe a huge benefit compared with other cryptocurrencies. This unique taxing structure allows us keep offering bounties to increase adoption and build new and innovative features. Unlike other cryptocurrencies which have a few features on release and get abandoned by their devs Globe can keep advertising, keep building. No other crypto can say this.

Even this articles bounty is supported by this taxing structure. We are also considering some new features that would really push the currency forward and we may in the future offer a bounty to get it developed.

What is your long term vision ?

Our long term vision is as follows. Create a cryptocurrency used by the entire global population. Simple.

Do you think, there is a market for hundreds of altcoins, or just few of them will survive?

I think there will always be many, many, many altcoins. In-fact I think this is just the beginning simply because so few people know about cryptocurrencies. In the future I believe their will be cryptocurrencies for every purpose imaginable.

However, I also believe their will be one, maybe two cryptocurrencies that are used on a day-to-day basis by the entire world population the others will be much smaller and fill niches within the market.

What do you think are some main requirements for cryptocurrencies to gain mass adoption?

I dont think their is a key. If their was a direct answer we would already have a cryptocurrency used by the global population the industry is at currently testing new things , seeing if they work and building and attempting to build growth strategies.

If I had to give my own requirements I would probably say ; speed, economic viability, agile, supported by some central entity, great advertising. Basically the Globe ideology .

How do you motivate your community to get involved and contribute?

I am still very much experimenting methods in which to do this. I think our now increased social media presence has helped. Additionally, offering bounties to help increase growth and adoption is really beneficial and so far seems to be the most effective way to help grow the community and Globe.

Name a few coins from your competition , you have found interesting

Coins I found interesting . hmmmm.

I was surprised with the success Dogecoin had. I honestly did not think something like this would work as the community seems to shun those that dont innovate technically but then I realized Dogecoin innovated socially speaking. Cryptocurrencies can be daunting to outsiders and Dogecoin put a familiar face on the technology and attracted a user-base far outside the reach of us Bitcoiners. Defiantly something to take note of.

I occasionally look at others and they all interest me. Most seem to be innovating and experimenting with new ideas and features such as Mastercoin or the Counterparty protocol. I guess time will tell which one will win.

Let me know in comment box, what you think about Globe currency and which coin you would like to see next.

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