Steem (STEEM) Daily Market Report - 16th November, 2018

Today's daily update for the steem and steemit communities


November 16th, Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Steem (STEEM) Token Price

$0.572884 USD (-3.83%)
0.00010367 BTC (-2.01%)

Steem (STEEM) Market Cap

$165,728,768 USD
29,990 BTC

Steem (STEEM) Volume (24h)

$1,744,341 USD
316 BTC

Steem (STEEM) Volume (24h) - Breakdown per Market
#SourcePairVolume (24h)PriceVolume (%)
1Binance BinanceSTEEM/BTC$1,157,764$0.57125061.02%
2Bittrex BittrexSTEEM/BTC$181,903$0.5700909.59%
3Bithumb BithumbSTEEM/KRW** $152,836* $2.228.06%
4Upbit UpbitSTEEM/KRW$135,485$0.5867147.14%
5Huobi HuobiSTEEM/BTC$72,383$0.5699243.82%
6Binance BinanceSTEEM/ETH$51,097$0.5760202.69%
7Huobi HuobiSTEEM/USDT$46,022$0.5685372.43%
8Upbit UpbitSTEEM/BTC$43,982$0.5700902.32%
9Binance BinanceSTEEM/BNB$15,717$0.5711400.83%
10Poloniex PoloniexSTEEM/BTC$14,851$0.5744550.78%

* Price Excluded
** Volume Excluded
*** Price/Volume Excluded - Outlier Detected
Data provided by coinmarketcap

Steem (STEEM) Supply

Circulating Supply: 289,288,715 STEEM
Total Supply: 306,262,809 STEEM

Steem (STEEM) Conversions

SD/STEEM = 0.60258417602514 SD
1 SD = 1.6595191838531 STEEM

Steem (STEEM) Ranking

CoinMarketCap = 42
WorldCoinIndex = 41

Steem (STEEM) Charts
1 Day

 1 Day Steem chart

7 Days

 7 Days Steem chart

30 Days

 30 Days Steem chart
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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 65292.16
ETH 2651.21
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.85