10 Popular Post Types to Increase Views on Steemit BY "GPT 4"

Ok i just asked this question to GPT 4 :
I would like to know 10 types of articles that could get a lot of views on this site and in which language to post to have more public
Here's the answer:
Here are 10 types of articles that can generate a lot of views on Steemit:

Tutorials and practical guides: Users appreciate articles that help them solve problems or learn new skills.
Market analysis and investment advice: Articles on cryptocurrency market trends and investment tips draw the attention of users interested in this field.

Cryptocurrency news and events: Articles on the latest news and events in the world of cryptocurrencies interest many users.

Product and service reviews: Users appreciate honest and detailed reviews of products or services, especially if they are related to the field of cryptocurrencies or technology.

Success and failure stories: Personal testimonials of success or failure can inspire and motivate other users.

Tips and tricks for Steemit: Articles that help users better understand and use Steemit are highly appreciated.

Photography and art: Articles featuring high-quality photographs and artwork can attract an audience that appreciates aesthetics and creativity.

Travel stories and cultural experiences: Articles sharing travel experiences and cultural discoveries interest users who enjoy exploring the world.

Personal development and motivation: Articles offering advice for improving one's life and achieving goals can be very popular.

Humor and entertainment: Light-hearted and amusing articles that entertain users can also attract attention.

As for the language to post in, English is generally the most used language on Steemit, as it reaches a larger international audience. However, you can also write articles in your native language to target a specific audience. You may even consider translating your articles into multiple languages to reach an even broader audience.

I hope you enjoy, please i'm new, if you have any questions to ask to GPT 4 i can ask for you and post the answer here.
Maybe we can help each others by this way. Feel free to ask anything to GPT 4 he is really smart.
Thanks for reading.
See ya !!


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