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RE: What is Zcash? | Crazy Price Fluctuations and High Anonymity

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Anonymity is one of the most important factors in crypto currencies. I will explain why. Imagine you pass a stall with some kids selling their old toys and you decide to buy something, now traditionally you would use cash from your wallet, maybe take out a 20 and make your transaction. It's virtually anonymous. Nobody knows about that transaction besides you and the girls and quite frankly it's nobodies business to know that you spent 20 bucks at some kids toy stall. It's your own damn business. Now if you used a visa card there is a record. Potentially a third party could access this info. Now some will say so what it's just toys, ok but what if it was a sex shop, what if it was alcohol or some other vice. My point is privacy is paramount. Crypto currencies offer a chance to provide the highest possible level of anonymity. Yes criminals will use it but 90+% are not criminals. We do not lose our rights to privacy because of criminals. Look at how much hacking as compromised Uber, Target or other companies customers.


Thank you!

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