Deep web Tor, things we should know

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Welcome everyone, the audience of steemit, this is a post created by my @Srmit where I will narrate my experience with this famous navigation program anonyma called Tor

For several years ago I did not know nor had any idea that there were such browsers where it is difficult to know who is behind the computers, which this type of browsers have an IP that is not the real one that we actually use with another type Of browsers, whenever we start something we do not really know what we are going to find and to be honest in this famous browser used today by millions of people worldwide has many types of relevant information that are classified and secret.


It is said that the Tor platform was created in a way that people could access it and get to see explicit information and a lot of risk without being exposed before the authorities of his country

Tor is a program that protects you by transmitting your communications to a network of repeaters, driven by volunteers around the world, thus preventing someone who observes the sites visited from learning what sites are visited, and in this way we are saved that many authorities and hackers try Analyze and do things that we often do not want to go through.

It seems that many important people, both politicians and special and military agencies use it to safeguard valuable information that should not reveal or know other entities, however, since many computer things have their weaknesses and points that are vulnerable on the internet, have been found Documents and information that could not be found in a common place and that has come to the public light worldwide.

My personal experience in this browser was a bit frightening and I could see topics of all kinds that I found interesting as others not so much, I remember there was a page called TorWiki that is very similar to Wikipedia in google, where many strange sites appeared and were They saw that it was harmful to see them, from sales of drugs, weapons, hired assassins, rapes of children of all ages, assassinations of people beheaded by drug traffickers and murderers, forums with hack programs of all kinds such as credit cards, , Pages and stop counting.

This we see above is the home page of Tor which leads us to navigate the famous deep web.

Many people give good use and look for good information subjects so to speak, but I think they are the most people who misuse it and use it to make bad money and publish things that could lead to jail, get to To know with the passage of time that a person used Tor to publish his Videos of pedophilia contained inside his computer and that was dedicated to record for advertising and sale, using children under age to hurt and hurt them, he created a blog In Tor where he was dedicated to post them but was always frowned upon by many and criticized him, was thoroughly investigated and found the real person, where in his possession had a server computer with more than 10 thousand pornographic videos of children which generated To the man an amount of money when putting them on sale ..

Are these kinds of things that make that browser that loses value, however has has things that we could take advantage of.

What I can recommend you if you think to navigate the is that you do it consciously since you could easily deviate and lean towards the dark part of the web ...


I hope you have enjoyed my summary about the deep web Tor, and comment what you think, we are all free to express our ideas and thoughts ..

Without more to say I say goodbye until the next friends

Follow me and take your point



Very nice post, will resteem indeed ;)
My point exactly, we are NEVER anonymous. A great analogy would be your home - you can change the door locks to much more sturdy lock(s), but all the other person(bad intentions) needs is the right tools;(
Sure, it may be a little harder but in due time, you will be found!
And THIS is why I choose not to pay f0r the "PERSONAL VPN" scam ;)
Companies looking to squeeze m0ney from us SMH

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