Vitalik Buterin: the prophet crypto-currency

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Bitcoin makes it possible to send money around the world with no fees, banks or governments required. Buterin, now 23, has upped the ante envisioning a way to apply that idea to everything else and usher in Web 3.0, the looming decentralized version of the Internet, the possibilities of which are limitless
Claire Brownell
Financial Post
A small group gathered at Pauper’s Pub in Toronto’s Annex neighbourhood on a Saturday afternoon in November 2012 to talk about Bitcoin. Anthony Di Iorio, now a well-known serial entrepreneur, had organized the get-together, having recently heard the gospel about the then-little-known cryptocurrency and become a convert. Concerned about the health of the financial system, he sold his Toronto rental properties, purchased some bitcoins and was looking for like-minded people to share his newfound zeal.
Di Iorio created the event on the site “This will be the first Bitcoin meetup in Toronto. Let’s just get together and see what happens.” A handful of people he had never met signed up. One pale and gangly attendee said no thank you to the beer, pub food and most social interaction. His name was Vitalik Buterin and he was a first-year student at the University of Waterloo in southwestern Ontario, where he was studying computer science. “He didn’t talk much. There was no real conversation with him. He was just literally shaking,” Di Iorio says. “Over the meetups we got to know him better.”

What is a Blockchain? 2:58
Turns out, Buterin wasn’t your average shy teen computer whiz. The year before with a friend from Romania, he had founded the print publication Bitcoin Magazine. Buterin was building a name for himself among the cryptocurrency community. A few months after that gathering in Toronto, he dropped out of university to travel the world and write for the magazine full time. A year later, Di Iorio was still hosting the meetings, though at a different venue with more space for a bigger crowd and a projector. But now when Buterin came, he talked about a new idea. Bitcoin had made it possible to send money around the world with no fees, banks or governments required; he had come up with a way to apply that idea to everything else and usher in Web 3.0, the looming decentralized version of the Internet, the possibilities of which are limitless.
A farmer in Iowa could instantly collect on an insurance contract that promised to pay him a certain amount in the event rainfall failed to reach an agreed-upon level in a season. A rental car could link up with a driver’s smartphone and start its ignition through an app once she paid the daily fee, and then cease to unlock or start once the rental contract expired. People could earn money by renting out their hard drives to a decentralized cloud storage service such as Dropbox.
Such contracts can’t be done with bitcoin or mere currency. Bitcoin was made possible by an innovation called blockchain, a secure ledger of transactions kept by computers around the world that can be trusted because the ledger can’t be easily modified. But Bitcoin’s scripting language can only be used for certain types of transactions. Buterin proposed building a new blockchain-based system called Ethereum with a programming model developers would find familiar, easy to understand and facilitated by a coding language capable of theoretically solving any computational problem. Ethereum had the potential to eliminate the need to trust a single company, person or government to keep massive amounts of money and data safe and secure.
Vitalik Buterin is the co-creator of Ethereum, a blockchain-based cryptocurrency that works with financial transactions that Bitcoin cannot handle.
Di Iorio told Joseph Lubin, another Canadian entrepreneur interested in Bitcoin who was living in Jamaica at the time, to come to a meeting to learn more about Buterin’s idea. Like Di Iorio, he was looking for a new project to invest in. After reading a white paper Buterin wrote on Ethereum in 2013, he realized he had found it. “It basically enabled me to understand how we could crystallize all the potential we saw and many other people saw in Bitcoin,” Lubin says. “It really provided a mechanism for how we could, quote, ‘decentralize all the things.’”
Within three-and-half years, Ethereum would be worth US$7 billion. The term “blockchain” would be more than just a hot corporate buzzword, and the world’s largest companies and financial institutions would be experimenting with Buterin’s technology. And the shaking, awkward teen would emerge as a respected world leader in cryptocurrency. But first he had some work — and some learning — to do.
italik Buterin was born in Kolomna, Russia, an ancient city about 100 kilometres southeast of Moscow. His parents moved to Toronto from Moscow in 1999, just before his sixth birthday. By then, Buterin had already taken to computers, playing with Excel on an old PC at the age of four. His father, Dmitry Buterin, remembers his son writing a complex document called the Encyclopedia of Bunnies at the age of seven. “Basically, he came up with this whole universe that is populated by bunnies, but it’s all governed by very strict formulas,” says Dmitry, an I.T. professional who recently co-founded a blockchain startup incubator called Blockgeeks Lab. “It was all full of math and charts and calculations.”
Years later when Buterin told his father he was thinking about dropping out of university to travel the world and learn about Bitcoin, Dmitry says he was all for it. “’I told him, ‘You know what? If you stay, you will have a very nice, guaranteed job at Apple, Google, whatever. You’ll make $100,000, probably more,” Dmitry says. “’If you drop out, it will be different, more challenging in life. But you will learn so much more than you learn in university. It’s fine if you do that.’ And he did that.” Buterin dropped out in 2013 and travelled to Israel, Amsterdam and San Francisco to write for the magazine and work on various cryptocurrency projects.
Anthony Di Iorio, pictured centre speaking to employees via an iPad. Di Iorio, an early Bitcoin enthusiast, was one of the first to get excited and onboard with Ethereum.
Buterin released the Ethereum white paper in November that same year and had a founding team in place a few weeks later. The team consisted of Di Iorio, Bitcoin Magazine co-founder Mihai Alisie, Amir Chetrit — whom he had worked with in Israel on a Bitcoin project called ColoredCoins — and Charles Hoskinson, an American mathematician who had founded an initiative to bring cryptocurrency to the mainstream called the Bitcoin Education Project. At 38, Di Iorio was the oldest by about a decade.
By January 2014, the time had come to meet face to face. Everyone bought plane tickets. Chetrit made T-shirts. The team rented a house full of bunk beds in Miami in advance of the North American Bitcoin Conference and got to work building the Ethereum project and, just as importantly, spread the gospel.
Gavin Wood, a programmer from the U.K. who later signed on as a founder of Ethereum, had already been turning Buterin’s white paper into functioning code during his Christmas holiday. By the time he got to the house in Miami in late January, he was ready for some intense coding sessions with fellow developers. Instead, he found a party. Even though bitcoin had fallen to a little more than US$800 from a high of US$1,127 in November, it had been worth less than US$100 as recently as August 2013. The Bitcoin community was feeling rich. “The parties were pretty extravagant — rooftop bars along Miami beach, that kind of thing,” Wood says. “For me at least, coming from a little northern town in England, it was pretty crazy.”

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Ice sculptures and dancing girls, however, weren’t enough for Bitcoin’s nouveau riche. They were on the lookout for the next big thing to invest in. A lot of them were looking at Buterin and seeing dollar signs. In normal circumstances, investors would not be begging a 19-year-old dropout, whose sole business experience consisted of running an obscure magazine out of his parents’ house, to take their money. Buterin may not have matched the image of a typical businessman, but he did fit another stereotype: the teen computer geek with a billion-dollar idea. The prospect of getting in early with the next Steve Wozniak or Mark Zuckerberg was highly appealing.
One night at the conference, Buterin gave a talk where he laid out his vision, wearing a black Ethereum T-shirt and speaking in an intense monotone. He received a standing ovation and was greeted by a lineup of people waiting to talk to him as he left the hall. His status as the prophet of cryptocurrency’s next big thing had been officially established.
With buzz building and dozens of people flowing through the rented house in Miami daily, Ethereum officially added three more founders: Wood, Joseph Lubin and developer Jeff Wilcke. Lubin, who had previously run a hedge fund and worked at Goldman Sachs, remembers worrying that some people were getting a bit carried away. “We were thinking about which island we should buy, because we needed a place for this new society to take hold. We were a little bit giddy,” he says. “A few of us … started thinking, ‘Hey, wait a sec.’”
One very good reason to “wait a sec” was to make sure they were complying with securities regulations. Taking money from unaccredited U.S. investors could open them up to charges from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. “We thought it was possible we would land at JFK on a certain day and the FBI would tackle us to the tarmac,” Lubin says.
We thought it was possible we would land at JFK on a certain day and the FBI would tackle us to the tarmac
As a result, the founders decided to wait instead of starting a crowdfunding sale shortly after the conference. They hired lawyers to scrutinize the offering. They registered a corporation in Switzerland, which had a friendlier attitude than most countries towards a project with the potential to actively undermine legal and financial systems. They had long, agonizing debates about whether Ethereum should be modelled after Google, a giant for-profit corporation, or Mozilla, the not-for-profit foundation that makes the open-source Firefox browser.
As the weeks dragged on, tensions between the founders grew. The programmers and businessmen split into factions, with accusations flying about various people not pulling their weight. Di Iorio and Lubin were paying for costs out of pocket as the project went longer and longer without outside funding. Di Iorio says the idea of turning Ethereum into a not-for-profit was outrageous on multiple levels. After all, he had stepped away from a promising startup and loaned the project hundreds of thousands of dollars on the understanding the team would use it to build an Internet juggernaut such as Google, not accept charitable donations. Plus, it rubbed him the wrong way on an ideological level. “I’ve never been a fan of non-profits and foundations,” he says. “If you look at what Chrome can do and what Firefox can do, that’s the difference between a for-profit and a non-profit company.”

To sort out their differences, the team met in person at a rented house in Zug, Switzerland, that Alisie had made Ethereum’s home base. Buterin’s conviction that Ethereum should be run as a non-profit won out, shattering the dreams of some of the more business-minded co-founders. Hoskinson, who had been named Ethereum’s CEO, had been another vocal opponent of the non-profit route. In a meeting on the house’s wooden terrace that became known as the “bloody deck incident,” the other founders decided to turf him. Chetrit left as well, worried about the very real possibility they would all end up in jail for securities violations. “They went off and built this beautiful thing and this huge movement. So I guess in a way, they were right and I was wrong,” Hoskinson says. “But you know, maybe it would have been $10 billion and had a lot more success if we’d done it differently.”
As Ethereum’s inventor, Buterin always had two votes. But in the early days of the project, he remembers feeling like he needed to rely on the expertise of people on his team with more experience. After getting his way in Zug, he discovered the fate of the project rested on his shoulders. “I realized I was the one who had the ability to make a decision,” he says. “I really felt like, ‘Oh my God, a lot of this is actually on me.’”
y late July 2014, the Ethereum project had gone six months without funding since the initial founding team formed. It had racked up massive debts for lawyers, travel and corporate registrations. It had been hard to resist taking money from eager believers earlier, but Ethereum’s legal team was finally confident it had found a way to avoid regulatory problems. Instead of selling equity or debt, Ethereum offered a product: Ether, the Bitcoin-like cryptocurrency built into the platform. In order to avoid overloading the system and incent developers to write efficient code, all transactions and applications built on Ethereum require ether to run.
For the first two weeks of the crowd sale, Ethereum sold 2,000 ethers for the price of one bitcoin, but the price increased after that. With bitcoin hovering around US$600 at the time, that worked out to about US$0.30 per ether. On the day before the price increased, the founders were separated in locations around the world, but they were all glued to the same link on their phones and computer screens. Repeatedly hitting refresh on the Bitcoin account where they were accepting the funds, they watched the line chart spike. Buterin was visiting a friend in Waterloo, Ont. at the time and remembers it as the moment it became clear the project was more than just hype. “The interest was something real. It wasn’t people just saying stuff,” he says. “That gave me a feeling of both pride and responsibility.”
The crowd sale went on for 42 days, a reference to “the answer to life, the universe and everything” from Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. By the end, Ethereum had raised more than 31,000 bitcoins, or US$18.4 million.

Ether is designed to be a functional token for people using Ethereum, not a currency such as bitcoin or a real asset like gold. However, anyone who purchased ether during the crowd sale has done extremely well if they held on to it. In early May, the price of ether hit US$77 — a 25,567% increase from its initial price (it has since soared even higher). As is typical in the cryptocurrency world, ether’s price has been extremely volatile since Ethereum went live in 2015. In June 2016, a hacker temporarily made off with US$50 million in ether that belonged to investors in an Ethereum-based venture-capital project called the DAO. After an intense month-long debate, the Ethereum community voted in favour of a software fix that restored control of the funds to their rightful owners, but the price of ether plunged 50% over 48 hours. It has since fully recovered. News of an alliance of major corporations forming to further the adoption of Ethereum — in addition to other factors — sent the price soaring again to more than US$77 on May 3, from US$17.25 on March 9.
Ethereum has a lot going for it in terms of hype, potential and market value, but it has yet to change the world. There are few Ethereum-based applications that an average person who doesn’t know how to code would find useful. The experiments being conducted by major companies and banks have mostly been restricted to tests and proofs of concept. More technological breakthroughs are needed to allow Ethereum to handle the volume of data processed daily by today’s centralized Internet juggernauts. Buterin isn’t worried about it. He says everyone just needs to be patient. Within five years, he thinks Ethereum will have launched some major applications that will be useful to large groups of people, bringing us closer to the crypto-enthusiast’s dream of “decentralizing all the things.”
t’s a sunny Saturday in April, but Buterin is in the basement of Toronto’s MaRS Discovery District, attending a hackathon hosted by his father’s blockchain incubator as a sort of celebrity guest. He fidgets with the tag on a tea bag as he thinks about what he would have done differently if he could go back in time and do it all over again. “I definitely would have changed the way I went about finding the people I accepted into the inner circle,” he says. “Initially, I was really happy to have all these other people there because I felt like, ‘Okay, these are real adults and they know how to run a project.’ In reality, a lot of them were basically just as clueless as myself.” In the early days, Buterin says having a large founding team seemed like a good way to exercise the values of openness and inclusivity. But he realized that wasn’t the case as time went on since someone is always on the outside no matter how large your in-group is.
I felt like Ethereum should be this mutual thing that’s built for the world
Jeff Wilcke is the only original founder who is still working directly with Buterin at the Ethereum Foundation. The rest have started their own companies or are working as consultants, using Ethereum to build applications for businesses and consumers. Buterin says it never made sense for Ethereum to be run by a profit-maximizing corporation, since the point of the platform is to remove control of the web from centralized, self-interested powers. Asked why that’s important, he replies, “I felt like Ethereum should be this mutual thing that’s built for the world.”
The night before the hackathon, Buterin gave a talk about Ethereum at MaRS. Like he did at the talk he gave in Miami three years before, he wore a black Ethereum T-shirt, spoke in an intense monotone and attracted a rapt crowd of fans. This time, however, he’s confident in his position as a leader. He’s just 23, but he’s someone people revere. The future may be decentralized, but for now, Buterin is calling the shots.
Financial Post

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