Help Me, I'm Confused and Want to Go to Bed.

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

WARNING! A confusing and very non descriptive post ahead, approach with caution, enter at your own risk!

Ever since that neanderthal dude that was too lazy to do his own hunting, decided to trade a few shiny rocks for a

side of dinosaur, that is where the trouble began. Yes my friends, that lazy son of a bitch started the wild and weird world of currency. If he could have hauled his ass out of the cave away from the fire for a little while and actually did his own hunting, things would probably be much different today.

All through the ages the practice has continued, going from shiny rocks, to silver and gold, with a little paper thrown in to make it all interesting. Greeks and Romans, Dukes, Kings and Queens, and one legged pirates running around with parrots on their shoulders, trading and stealing currency in all shapes and forms. Today we have cryptocurrency, some call it fake money, others worship it like it is a God.

Each day, opening up different sites we see new coins popup. All different yet all said to be the next best thing. Even people predicting these cryptocurrencies will one day be the main form of buying, selling and trading. All

kinds of names, most almost unpronounceable, which even seems to add to my confusion.

I have little to no understanding of most of this cryptocurrency, only that I'm told buy as much as you can, you'll be rich someday. I'm hoping that the someday will be much sooner, because I'm not as young as I use to be, and could really use the money.


It was only recently there was some kind of 'airdrop". It actually sounds like someone ran to a very high roof and threw a bunch of change off, the lucky ones were the ones on the ground that didn't have those coins falling at a velocity of the speed of light hit them, and collected what was left after they finally settled on the ground. Picking them up and putting them in "wallets" which have funny names. My wallet only has one name, it's called "empty".

Anyway. getting back to this airdrop or whatever, this one had something to do with balls! There are a lot of people who got their hands on balls, sometimes they have their hands not only on their own balls, but somebody elses balls...

Not to be left behind, I grabbed some balls, and I stuck them into a wallet, and that wallet sits somewhere in cyberspace, or so i think it does, the dayum thing even has it's own address, and I have to have a key to actually remove my balls from it. Much like some men I know who have to get their balls out of their wives purses...(that's another blog post)



Getting back to balls, those balls are now bytes? I have a whole lot of bytes,and I have no idea how I got bitten in the first place. To make it more confusing, I see someone is interested in buying those balls, which are now bytes, in exchange for Steam! Hell, if you want steam, I'll put the kettle on, how much do you want to buy.Just one thing, if I make the steam, you can dayum well collect it yourself!

If you have taken the time to read down to this point and have understood any of this which I have written, I'm very sorry to have wasted your time... would you like to trade some balls for some of that wasted time? I'm going to bed, between all this thinking and confusion, it has given me a headache.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

Not to be left behind, I grabbed some balls, and I stuck them into a wallet, and that wallet sits somewhere in cyberspace, or so i think it does, the dayum thing even has it's own address, and I have to have a key to actually remove my balls from it.
It should be its own instead of it's own.

I lost my copy of grammarly, I'll have to get another! :)

Lol, you mean you haven't actually cashed in your byteballs? :0)

I'm leaving them "ferment" and hope their value rises...

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63219.83
ETH 2574.36
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.78