in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Over the road was a shiny old vintage car - that must be a model T Ford I thought to myself as I took a photo.

Steemit is swarming with Americans who will probably take one look at my photo and say "that's not Model T Ford you goddamn moron, its a Model A"

Please forgive my cluelessness - vintage cars are rare in New Zealand where everything rusts away overnight and anything older than 1980 is referred to as a classic car - and I really do mean ANYTHING

At the moment, Bitcoin, like a Model T, is very popular. But the Model T wasn't popular in the 1950s - it was an old relic by then. And so is Bitcoin.

Maybe Bitcoin is very like a Model T Ford, while what we need in this day and age is the the equivalent of a Toyota Corolla - something modern that does 100kph and has airbags.

We don't all need a Lamborghini, but we do need to ditch the Model T and get a Toyota

One of my favourite things about cryptos is watching the endless panic buying and selling of everything in waves of freaking out.

What goes up must go up a shitload more. Then it must stop rising and go down. And what goes down must crash. Preferably today.

In share trading a contrarian investor waits a few months to do the opposite of what the herd is doing. In cryptos a contrarian investor waits 24 hours to see what happens. And then makes a rational decision

That's the great thing about crypto trading - it's like watching those guys on Jackass putting fireworks up their arses - so American!



Mate you need to get yourself one of these like your uncle johno
Image result for kia pregio

If Bitcoin was a van:

I have this awesome idea, where every time you insult Americans (which is generally hilarious and sadly accurate) you put this next to it (excluding the brilliant @dreemit of course) or you know, something like it..hahahaha!

You know I'm going to do that right?

Today Americans (but not @dreemit) are shocked to learn the Miley Cirus has come out as a lesbian

It literally took me thirty seconds to stop shaking with laughter in order to respond to this hahahaaaa!!! And here I go again!!

I agree with most of what you are saying. In general you make good points.

But this is wrong
But the Model T wasn't popular in the 1950s - it was an old relic by then.
Model T's were VERY popular..they were used to make hot-rods.

if you had an old rusty model could almost name your price.
they were WILDLY popular (to the right people)

Collectors items are valuable but not very popular because they are rare - I wonder if Bitcoin will be worth $100000 one day when its rare? :)

Good idea with the model T analogy, but I think Bitcoin represents an entirely different social and cultural paradigm evolving. One which has not been seen before.
Indeed refferencing with known highly significant cultural phenomena is cool and natural.
But I would say instead of new Toyotas, bring on the handbuilt bicycles and local craftsmen and artists.
The big corporate model of the Model T hasn't really worked out that well giving birth to the outa control central government and banking.
Bitcoin and Steem is the empowerment of individuals, something entirely new.
And nice art btw

Hmm. Ford model t was not the first car..

several wre made at about same time,with Karl Benz being credited.
But who am I to fight American Propaganda...we believe anything.We don't need no stinking facts!

I just learned on the interweb!

Ferdinand Verbiest, who would celebrate his 387th Anniversary today on October 9th 2010, envisioned what some claim to be the world’s first automobile.

During the 1670s, he invented a self-propelled vehicle.

Born in a village called Pittem in Flanders, which is part of today’s Belgium, Verbiest must be regarded as a universal genius

Yeah but the Model T is no longer the king shiz. I think BTC is more like a Corvette. I don't see it "slowing down" anytime soon.

When I used Bitcoin yesterday it was a lot slower than a Model T...

Well ... You win.

I certainly did yesterday - I had all ten of the cryptocurrencies I'm holding go up in one day - never had that before - biggest gain was Dash.

Love it when that happens. I'm actually a fan of Bitcoin and I've made big gains on it, but I think it's run is coming to an end.

It was first and that's important, but when cryptos go mainstream I don't think Bitcoin will stay #1

Hoping steem will see some gains soon!

Before the model A or T you had the model D. for Donkey.

Now that sounds like Bitcoin too

Very good point raised here. Very original and likely to happen too. Bitcoin is a honey trap me thinks... ;)

That just goes vroooommm vrooommmm


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