in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Way back in the depths of history eight months ago when I did my Cryptocurrency 101 post it was a very different crypto scene.

I was a bit nervous about doing a post on cryptos that would remain on the blockchain and make me look like a complete dickhead if I got it all wrong.

But thankfully, when I look back on it now, I was really pretty on to it. Although the post only paid out $3.35, these eight cryptos (in the following order) were what we invested in and by the end of the year they had gone up more than 30 fold.

Bitcoin (BTC), Steem (STEEM), Digital Cash (DASH), Monero (XMR), Augur (REP), Ripple (XRP), Ethereum (ETH), and Litecoin (LTC)

For 2018 there are two big changes to my recommendations:

Firstly - move on from Bitcoin. It's past it's day and is destined to become the Myspace of cryptos. It was the first coin we bought and the first one we ditched.

While we held it up to $17 000 last month I must admit I was starting to sweat and was relieved to dump the bloody thing before it crashed. Now I think it's more a religion than a cryptocurrency, but hell we did well on it!

Secondly - invest in a much wider range of coins - now we have 26 rather than 8. While we are still mainly focused on the big names like Etherium and Litecoin, we also have holdings in a bunch of long odds gambles.

My personal favourites along with Steem are Monero, Dash and Smartcash, but we still also have Ripple even though I hate the dodgy bastards, because it's like a license to print money, and Bitcoin Cash too just in case it swaps with Bitcoin and becomes the n00b must have coin.

So now we have holdings in all of these coins:

Aragon (ANT)
Augur (REP)
Basic Attention Tokens (BAT)
Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
Bitcoin Diamond(BCD)
Bitcoin Gold (BTG)
Bitshares (BTS)
Cardano (ADA)
Digital Cash (DASH)
Dogecoin (DOG)
Ethereum (ETH)
Ethereum Classic (ETC)
Hyperstake (HYP)
Iota (IOT)
Lisk (LSK)
Litecoin (LTC)
Monero (XMR)
Ripple (XRP)
Salt Lending (SALT)
Smart Cash (SMART)
Steem (STEEM)
Steem Dollars (SBD)
Z-Cash (ZEC)

Some will hopefully do well, and some may turn to shit, but not to worry, it's all a big gamble and now we have a whole flock of horses in the race.

If I turn out to be wrong about Bitcoin a large crowd of angry people are gathering to beat me with sticks. But here it is all recorded forever on the blockchain: "Bitcoin is a washed up has been" said @sift666



Whats your view on TRX?

Check out $POE

It's an interesting concept and could go big but we all have to trade at levels of speculation we are comfortable with and that looks like a wild gamble to me - I'd only go very small on Poet because it looks like a pump and dump at the moment

I expect $POE to reach $TRX mcap at least.

It could keep going up but TRON looks overhyped right now

Image result for my picks nose funny

You always do that!

I just got some Ethereum for the first time last week. I've been using Litecoin as a means of exchange, rather than Bitcoin, for a while, since it's quicker to move and costs less to do so.

I've got Basic Attention Token in my portfolio, as well as Decentraland (my husband wanted it), Civic, Stellar Lumens, Ada, Ripple, Power Ledger, Verge, and Reddcoin. I buy, sell, and exchange among these periodically, as prices change.

The only two I haven't sold and gotten back into at a different price recently are Verge and Reddcoin, simply because I'm being stubborn about them. I feel like they will eventually do well, and I've got so many coins in each of them, I hate to move it around.

I did make a little profit on Digital Note just by holding it for a few days last month, based on a prediction I read on Steemit. I bought a bunch at six cents, and sold them a few days later at ten cents, and now it's at four or five cents, so it was a nice, short-term profit, but I don't do many of those.

Crypto is definitely interesting and exciting. I read that like 97 or 98 percent of people in crypto are men, worldwide, so it's cool to know I'm one of the few original female adopters. :)

The one we have really made big gains on is Smartcash - thankfully we were able to make a bunch on Bitcoin and them dump it and buy lots of altcoins that have gone up too.

We are mid term - 3-12 months investors on most of them, but if Smartcash becomes the new Bitcoin we are made :)

I tend to choose the coins but Deb handles the exchange stuff - that just spins me out, so geek...

Thanks for the advice and great images too! My husband has been a little interested in going with Ripple, but my son says he doesn't trust them!

I don't trust Ripple either but we can't lose on this one - We've sold half our holding after the price has more than doubled three times over and now still have far more Ripple than the initial investment, so I don't care how evil they are - hopefully we'll get one more big payday out of them.

Wow your perspective completely matches with mine, yeah Bitcoin is going to become Myspace soon after maybe showing some more crazy ride spikes.

I think steem is the future and it got real potential to it, steem already topped $8 and soon we might see even $20 rise or more. Well let's hope for the best.

When Steem hits $20 we will be a whale pod!

very good article, well thought out and thought process explained. I've diversified as well and will be looking at some of your picks with the idea of diversifying further.

I think another important thing is to make your best decisions and then have no regrets because if you are juggling a huge pile of cryptos you will always win some and lose some - just celebrate the wins!

Thank you so much, well done on diversification.

It's quite a list isn't it?

When people suggest others I often wonder if they realise it takes a bunch of research to add each coin and I think 20 is about as many as I can keep an eye on - some of those are just Bitcoin forks that came free and I don't care about, but that is still about 20 actual investments.

Awesome list, keep it up!

I respect your authoritah!

And have bookmarked for future finger-pointing/congratulations 😁

Cool - I think a bunch of Bitcoin fans have me on their death lists!

I agree that BTC is set for a quiet year but I wouldn't rule it out all together.

ADA is one I hope will do well, and can't see anything stopping EOS come the summer.


I'm keeping an eye on EOS.
Way too geek for me to understand but if it takes off I'll hopefully still get in before it goes bigtime

Same here. They have a solid team though so that will do me.

I kinda wish I bought some bitcoins when they first came out so that now I could cash them in. A couple of cents turning into thousands in just a few months?

Well it wasn't quite that fast - Bitcoin in 2017 was more like $1000 turning into $17000 per coin in 9 months

I think bitcoin is pretty much down. I have some civic and golem but o don't have much faith they'll do anything in 2018

I had a quick look at those but wasn't excited enough to take a punt

I don't blame you I haven't any idea why I got them

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63635.72
ETH 2597.20
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.91