
You'd think I was a salesman for OmiseGO huh? Even if you invested $10k it still wouldn't effect the price of it going up enough for me to benefit - The Chinese are prurchsasinb $12k-$20k orders every second - Glad I sold ya though - when you make ?x your money don't forget about me and send me a little SBD tip or somethinb :) OMG, NEO and QTUM - Don't forget all three - Especialky OMG & NEO - they aren't 1 day surges and it really just baffles me how they are all riding so fast and dominating! Do Not Underestimate the power of Eastern Buying (small tip - NEO & OMG have been rising the most around 10-11pm EST when the Chinese are waking up and digging deeper into their pockets - last thing - If you buy any NEO or own any - Store it in the official NEO walket so you can earn GAS on it - if not the Exchanges will earn and take your GAS - NEO GAS will be worth a ton of money once more and more people acquire NEO and store it on their Wallet - I'll definitely be following your posts to see what you write about and how it can help my life in any avenue

You got it man, I bought some about 30 seconds ago and yeah your sales pitch had a lot of urgency in it. I'm already in profit as well. How much do you have invested in it?

I've got 100 OMG at the current moment so roughly $630-$660 - However I sold some during one of the last peaks only to rebuy more on the next dip - that's how you are able to acquire more and more of a coin.. some say buy and hold - my mentality is if it's steadily rising daily as it has for 3 weeks - play the peaks and dips - I've probably acquired an additional 25 OMG BY doing so - once I buy back more soon I'll be holding roughly 200 OMG - The dips and peaks are very quick tho with OMG - last night there was a huge peak for 6 mins up, 6 minutes down - then continued on climbing right back up - Can't use the dip buying theory with OMG the same way one would with ETH ya know?

How much did you grab if you don't mind me asking?

And for the record - I'd prob be holding a lot more but the NEO and QTUM coins have been solid for me as well - Especially with the NEO GAS - I may sell off some NEO at a large peak around $50 and reload more OMG which will probably be around $10 at that time :)

I got 34 OMG ($224) and bought for a total around $216. I like your trading mind my friend. Elliot wave theory is always going to be in play so I'm taking the same approach as you.

Well played - Smart move my friend - Most like a return of $27-28 in 15 hours on a $216 investment.. So far... :) Can't beat a ROI like that - And that's just the beginning - NEO surpassed $40 yesterday and I see OMG at $8.75-9.00 by tomorrow morning. More News released I believe - not 100% positive as of yet but looking good :)

ROI is going great plus I'm buying at dips then selling when high. My goal is at least $30-$50 daily. How long do you think this trend will last for?

Great post

To be completely honest - it will probably trend upwards for awhile (consistently) at 10-35% daily at least until the Wallet and Blockchain are solidified - but once the McDonalds deal is concreate and the take to fruition - it'll certainly keep rising and plenty of days at 50-70% increase -

This project is HUGE - Once it makes it to the top 10 in Market cap it will likely mimic ETH and BTC trading patterns - Like everything you ever know but from all I know, personally - thru others - and the straight facts - It may reach $100 in less than 10 days - It has a chart unlike any other coin #OMG

We should probably jump in the STEEMIT chat I suppose as this thread is quite long - One method I've been using the past 4 days is rotating between OMG, NEO, QTUM and my secret weapons PAY for playing the dips and peaks - It seems to me for the most part that between all 4 - except for QTUM's fallback today (which is really cool - the first BTC & ETH hybrid coin) As one peaks at least one of the others will dip and just keep a stash of each to hold long but Use have my holding of each to rotate the dips - NEO and OMG have been the most predictable with high peaks with large walls (that sometimes do crumble easily) and then fast dips..

Stay in touch regardless and let me know how you make out.. what other coins are you holding at the moment if you don't mind me asking - I've got a diverse portfolio but def have 60-75% of it in the 4 mentioned above

How does $7.10 sound this beautiful morning - Looks like the Chinese had s field day buying OMG while @krytonika caught some sleep eh?

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