Utilizing Your Talents To Build Your Crypto Portfolio

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago


Surviving In Crypto For 2 1/2 Years Has Showed Me Alot

Let's face it, 2018 has not been as hyper active as crypto was in 2017. Its been slightly a drag on some levels but nothing at all that I personally would consider a year of shaking this guy off the crypto tree. This is normal though in any economical advancement, you get a moment of FOMO going on and then it has to retract some to find its foot hold. This is what I think 2018 really is about, seeing if this economy can withstand itself and hold true to its community before it can fly again.

Most will tell you that this is a prime time to volume up your crypto portfolio's, get yourself right for the next big wave and on all levels I completely agree with this game plan. That's how I did it late 2016 myself, did a big save for later and HODL strategy and for the most part that got me well through 2017 nicely.

But this isn't the only way to volume up on your portfolio, I also found out that using some talents built within myself did a lot of good for securing me long term in crypto and maybe its worth a share to those out there trying for the same thing.


Crypto is not done, So much more to be developed!

Whether your in it for the money or in crypto for the technology, one thing I believe we can all agree on is the fact that there is still much work to be done in this space. Every aspect of crypto can utilize more working hands and that will never end. Just like any industry this one is growing and at a rate where I suspect a major workforce will be needed more as each year passes.

If one wants to be more involved in this space, there really is nothing stopping that. Its about finding what you can offer to the community, gravitate towards something you want to be apart of and that my friends in the long term tends to usually create a revenue stream just as much as anything in this world.

The key is finding your place and talent, form fit it to help projects out and in the end you not only support crypto by investing but also in many ways help in your own way to advance it, which tends to increase on anything you hold. Its such a young industry here in crypto, it's virtually still that way and the opportunities available out there are numerous.

One great starting point for users wanting to work in crypto is here at these two great crypto job post spots:





These job boards are one of many options out here in the cryptocurrency realm. I also find direct contacting projects and offering your services can usually also go a long way. Any developer out there trying to make a difference in this space will most likely always need more help, so it can't hurt sometimes to take the initiative and ask around who needs help, more than likely they are already looking for you as you read this post.

This space needs developers, marketing, video/audio production, bloggers, and so many more. The big part is knowing what you can contribute and get pro-active about it.

Running Forward Even Though The Charts Won't

I have not been a very public figure in crypto, well I did find myself in the front lines when I was helping marketing over at PIVX early in 2017 but for the most part since, I have taken a more do the work approach in a lot of crypto projects and spent the last 2 years mainly digging in and searching for my true place in crypto.

I started in this community back in mid 2016 really down on my luck. I was between jobs, struggling very hard to find work in my area but happened across a good article about Bitcoin mining. I knew of crypto but I did not know the possibilities this space could offer individuals in the financial freedom logistics that most of us really deserve. This hooked me very fast and now I can safely say I am pretty much a lifer when it comes to Cryptocurrency.

The major ah-ha moment though was not finding Bitcoin for me. Sure it presented a new option to bring some income in but finding Bitcoin did not show me any thorough realization of how to make it work for myself. Sure mining back then was a good potential, sure I could have traded some really good gains but I did not understand my full potential in this space.

The true ah-ha moment hit me when I got involved in PIVX, I come to realize somewhere along the way that I didn't just want to be on the sidelines trading this coin but more wanted to be involved within the project itself. Thankfully the guys in there really seen that about me and offered me to handle their social media accounts. This just enhanced that drive I had and eventually found myself getting into marketing and pretty much begun to take notice that I may have finally found my true calling in life.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't call myself though a true success story in crypto. I didn't get that lambo, I did well in 2017 enough to get rid of fiat income in my life and to me that really is all I was seeking, a job, a career, and a belief I can self sustain my family on my own terms. This is the true nature of crypto at its finest I believe, when it works for an individual to see new options for their life, then its a positive experience and maybe a long term success.

Currently, I am still at it. Markets are down, its not easy to contend with but I have a firm belief that what we seen in 2017 will come around again at some stage. The important thing for me is to continue to contribute to this community and currently I am doing that on a great project that should see public launch soon.

So what is the lesson learned that I can pass on to you......?

From my experience in crypto, I found that if you really plan to stick with this and don't really have the financial backing to leap in head first with a lot of holdings, then you must real world this and truly figure out a position to pull in a revenue stream. Now this isn't financial advice, what works for one person may not work for another but just like in the real world you have to provide yourself income and crypto is no different.

I found personally that I had a talent for marketing, this comes from past experience but easily form fitting to my desires to be pro active in the crypto community. You may have other talents to provide to projects, you may not be like me and able to dedicate full time hours but even part time can be a huge benefit to some projects out there. The position to figure out is this, do you believe in this industry and want to achieve something from it? Personally I am about hard work myself so being able to work and do what I love is huge in my opinion.

So I suggest to anyone reading this, skim the job lists if you want to work in crypto or reach out to projects you maybe a community member of. This space probably needs your talents, more of us start realizing that, the bigger I believe crypto will become.


Follow me here on Steemit @sflaherty

Or on Twitter @ https://twitter.com/SteveFla78


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