The Internet’s Magna Carta Moment: Bitcoin & The Value of Strong Assurances

The Internet’s Magna Carta Moment: Bitcoin & The Value of Strong Assurances
written by Spencer Bogart:
By providing stronger assurances regarding property rights and rule-of-law, this movement changed economic incentives in favor of investment and growth which ultimately, hundreds of years later, led to the UK’s Bill of Rights, the industrial revolution, and a vast improvement in the human condition.

A profound implication
A profound implication of some highly decentralized networks is the opportunity, at scale, to deliver stronger assurances than even the largest nation-states today — and in doing so to offer a robust, digital foundation for economic growth.

Simply put, “strong assurances” means “the rules are the rules” and they will be enforced consistently and objectively.
The networks that attract and retain builders in the medium to long-term will be the ones that deliver a track record of strong assurances — a track record of consistent and objective rule enforcement.

This article above introduces and predicts the future of the internet's Magna Carta Moment;
We may recall it as such in near future...
What's your thought on this???

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 62102.06
ETH 2415.08
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.49