Why I Decided to Stop Trading Stocks & Start Investing in CryptoCurrencies

Here is my personnal experience on how I started to invest into Cryptos 3 years ago after trading stocks for 8 years, and successfully managed to make some benefits (Unfortunately Bill Gates is still leading by a few pennies... hum 90 Billion Dollars.. but i'm getting closer, watch out Bill!

I already had some experiences with Bitcoins 6 years ago, back in early 2011 when I decided to buy some for a $500 test, the rate was at that time at parity with the Dollar so 1BTC=$1

But in June 2011 the first ever bubble to hit BTC put the price up to $31.. Basically my $500 worth investment was now evaluated at $15500, what a nice move! I was feeling like a kid in a Candy shop but except this time, I'd have drop a $100 bill on the counter as soon as I entered, while staring at the cashier with the "sounds like I've got the last word this time buddy!" smile

But like any bubble, it starts to explode and I was witnessing for the 1st time ever, a CryptoCurrency Crash! 

Oh man, what a time to be alive!

I managed to cash out arround 12700$, so yeah I've 'lost' a bit of my potential benefits (quite a lot actually) but I still limited the "loss" and got a final whooping 12200$ profit, so needless to say my first experience with Cryptos was just like in a dream, and no, I see you coming, it's not going to turn into an horror story. 

Then, I've decided to spend the summer enjoying my money, and getting back in September to invest 2000$ from the previous benefits, hoping that the rate would come back arround it's record level, annnnd NOPE! Arround $2 at the end of the year, I lost a bit more than half of the 2k invested, and that made me definitely sure of one thing: 

Versatility is a key component to consider when you decide to Invest & Trade CryptoCurrencies

After that period I was just thinking, that's it, that's the end, not even 2 years old and the BTC is back to "almost" nothing, in a nutshell Bye Bye Bitcoin! So I went back full time on my stocks (which I was still taking care of)

But I was wrong!

At the end of 2013 the BTC reached for the 1st ever ever at $1000, and honestly the crual calculation that if I woud've hold my 500 BTC at that time, bought for A DOLLAR/BTC, I could've been half a millionaire without doing anything...  So that teaches me another great lesson:

Versatility is a key component to consider when you decide to Invest & Trade CryptoCurrencies

Sounds familiar? Yes, no typing mistakes here? Nope, same o same thing!

That's why I've decided to be back into the CryptoGame in 2014 (TV Channels folks: that's a pretty good name for a program! Get back to me on Steemit to sell you the ideas (and of course I'll ask for some royalties)

Joke aside, I've bought back some BTC at several prices ($700-$520-$400-$350) averaging at a price around $493. I still own arround 10 BTC currently, and traded the rest in a short-middle term strategy, making approximatively 60k.

With the success of Altcoins, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, Zcash, Ripple etc... I started to split my investment between around 20 Cryptos (I will make a post later on about my top 20 Cryptos, follow me to not miss it!). 

While it's a much harder task I have to honestly admit (but hey, nothing new here, it requires more work to select the right Cryptos!), the reward and feeling of being a "pioneer investor on a successful project" is still great, no matter if you've made a $100 profit as a small shareholder or 10M$ as a whale) and that's what I thought it was lacking in our traditional industries. I mean, don't misquote me on this, there're PLENTY of exciting projects (I will also make a post about Tesla and all the Elon Musk's Companies, so definitely smash that follow button my dear Steemers!) but it's usually well known big groups, so new comers are entering time to time, but that is still pretty rare.

Trading on the traditionnal stock exchange is also a more a long term strategy with lower instant versatility (you clearly don't see Apple or Google gaining 300% one day and losing 180% the day after as it can frequently happens with CCcies), especially when you don't have a big influence (ie: the green note) of Hedge Funds and Investments Firms to start big moves on Markets. I wouldn't say either that there're less risk trading stocks, like go ahead and spend all of your savings and your retirement pension, that's cool and 100% safe, NO! TRADING ON MARKETS, NO MATTER WHAT YOU TRADE WAS, IS AND STILL WILL BE VERY RISKY! 

On the contrary, and again considering wisely the risks, investing and trading Cryptos does allow you that, to believe in a new disruptive project, and make it succeed at your scale by directly participating into it. 

And if you're more down to earth (ie: just focused on the green note) selecting the next one to blow up can be tricky, as there're several hundreds of Crytptos nowadays in 2017 with new ones constantly emerging. But we already have seen some success stories and the attention for CCcies from the masses is getting bigger by the day, so opportunities (as well as scams and rotten apples) are right under our eyes! 

If you're still hesitating, put $50, even $10 and just give it a try, as you will gather knowledge & experience, you won't regret it, so don't miss the train before it's too late!





Good write up. I will disagree on putting money into anything, though. Only the good projects will survive this rat race.

Of course that's why you need to choose wisely if you wanna make investments, to me 20 cryptos max seems a good compromize in terms of diversifying your risks & stategies depending on each coin.

Every person is different when in turns about investing (money to invest, knowledge, personnal goals) like mostly anything in life so there's no proper "tutorial" but just common sens and basics rules to follow and stick up to avoid losing all of your investment

I've just started on Steemit, if you like the article, you might consider to follow me back if you don't mind, you'll get access to all my latest news on CCcies and how I deal with stategies & investments ;)

nice, and goodluck in your invseting ^^

Thanks! Wish you the best as well in your CryptoAdventure!

Follow me @selfmadeinvestor to get the latest news on CryptoCurrencies and my personnal approach on how I select which CryptoCurrencies, why and which strategy I adopt when I invest

Loving the post man! I was fortunate to start trading on crypto exchanges at a time they were all lucrative which was like 2/3 months ago.

Always a pleasure to deliver nice content, and even more, that great people appreciate it!
Which Cryptos did you pick? great to hear that you've been successful, I'm sure the CryptoTrain is just filling up!

I've just started on Steemit, might consider to follow me back if you don't mind, you'll get access to all my latest news on CCcies and how I deal with stategies & investments ;)

Ahah nice to see the story of someone who is in bitcoin since almost the beginning. And well written too.

Thanks I appreciate! I still managed to make a nice amount of money (and still doing) but no way near some success story from guys who went full BTC and cash out at the right time, but who knows what's next?

Same thing as my fellow Steamers above, would you consider a follow back if you don't mind.
If you liked my story, there're plenty more to come ;)

It is all relative. What's big for you will be small for others and vice-versa. Yes followed.

Of course yes, that's what I've just replied to another person moments ago ;)

Another nice post. Good to see you doing well on the crypto front and the followers : +250% since I looked yesterday ;) Which other currencies are you trading besides bitcoin? I am currently mostly in XLM, XRP, ETH, ZEC, DASH and some smaller investments... Keep going with the good posts

Thanks Attalis! I try my best to be precise and provide informative content with an entertaining approach when I write posts ;)

I'm going to make my top 20 list post tomorrow, but to give you some indiscretions, NEO, Zcash, Augur, OMNI, I won't say more or my next post will lose some interest ;) haha

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 62704.97
ETH 2442.73
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66