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RE: Trezoro: Trezor for Monero - The basics

This is awesome. But I'm scared. I see some Monero devs have upvoted this post. It would be super awesome if at least one of them would say something like:

"I've taken a look at the code from this firmware, and you beta users can feel confident that your private keys for Bitcoin - and all other cryptos protected by your Trezor - are still perfectly safe. The modifications in this firmware do not affect the existing functionality at all. The modifications in this firmware are only an extension of the software which allows for creating and protecting a Monero simplewallet with the Trezor."

As kick-ass as a reply like that would be, it would also be great to hear:

"We (a) absolutely plan to integrate Trezor functionality into the upcoming GUI, (b) hope that functionality will be ready in X months, and (c) at that point, will submit the firmware to Satoshi Labs for them to integrate into the native Trezor firmware."

Fingers double crossed over here. Maybe I'm asking too much. I guy can dream...

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