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RE: No use buying BCH.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Please do so! As a Steemit Newbie (10th day now) I've been thinking how to perceive Steemit as a new paradigm in the world of crypto assets - a new paradigm of their own. In my introductory post I wrote about Steemit as an entrance portal to the world of crypto, since it is the only platform (I know of) on which anyone can acquire a (small) crypto capital position simply by converting time into capital. 2nd World citizens otherwise could not participate (properly) because formerly - pre-Steemit - one would first need capital to be able to invest in crypto assets at all.

At the moment Steemit is still to be regarded as being in its infancy stage. It might function as a "crypto catalyzer" but in order for that to happen Steem needs to grow in market capitalization and that can only happen by attracting new capital from new Steem investors (outside people, non-current-Steemit users at present). The only way to achieve that is through high-quality content (articles) and valid discussions through user interaction (comments). That's - to my perception - the biggest problem of Steemit right now: the amount of utter bullshit posted by people unaware of the importance of good content through copy-pasting external content as if it's their own, and by adding BS comments like "amazing post thank you".


The value of Steem is what I did call Fruit Of Work {FOW}. Good content, no copy-paste shaite indeed. But, as Steem has value, that also will attract copy-pasters. Or upvote fishers with those 'good-post' and so on. Still I do fall for those now and then. Curating is a tough job too and important for the future value of Steem.

And it is indeed an unique portal into the realm of Cryptos. Making it possible for a lot to get other cryptos that they earned by posting on the Steem blockchain.

And I did give it some thought to stop reward obvious upvote fishing. As those who upvoted my post already get some of the potential payout. Only really interesting replies to the content of my post are worth an upvote.

So curation is also a very important part of giving the content on the Steem blockchain value.

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