Crypto kitties sounds awfully boring, but what about something else, like Gathering or Warhammer?

I took a look at Crypto Kitties and it is just not appealing to me. I don't like kittens that much and they all look the same etc. But I love collecting things.


I was into basketball cards and all sorts of other cards. I never got into Warhammer and other types of figures collecting, but it is absolutely appealing to me with collecting items. I just think it sounds like an AWESOME idea if someone applied the Crypto Kitties concept with something cooler - like Dungeon&Dragons/Warhammer like figures, or Magic the gathering cards.

Anyone agree? Does anyone know about any projects that are working on this? I would absolutely love this concept with digital unique items and collectables.


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it would be great if someone makes this happened

It's a great idea! Surely someone must have thought of it or is all ready making it? If do we make it happen?

So after I tried CrytoKitties I feel the same way you do. It's boring and the fees don't help. I agree that the concept of scarce digital collectibles is very cool and would love to see a better application of the concept.

Yeah, I mean kitties? C'mon. Which user group is using this technology? Young boys and men mainly. They don't dig kitties. They dig cool characters or monsters etc. I mean, even I dig that. I would love to collect blockchain-heroes. Randomly generated heroes, monsters, weapons etc. Would be awesome. Perhaps even Items that could be traded and used in computer games?

I wanna buy and breed cards. But not frigging kitties.

Totally agree. I like the idea of weapons since I am a firearms enthusiast.

Cryptomon are coming 👊. Yes for reals

What is that? Site didnt work..

I think this is an awesome idea ! I especially like the "crypto card idea" it could also be a modern new twist for trading cards such as sports cards

Absolutely! Could be anything. It's just me personally that would like to fun around with some randomly generated hero cards that go up in value because they're rare. One could even add a feature where heroes could fight each other and then the loser would lose his card to the winner - or something like that. Battles, with different stakes etc. Of course voluntary.

I personally think it's an awesome game ! Damn one would be nervous to loose a nice card

I don't know any projects but the idea is phenomenal; You can actually talk owning these cards (or kittens or any other collectible) because they won't vanish with the disappearance of serves because they will be forever on the blockchain!

Now that cryptokittens has shown the potential, there will be many more applications as such in the future for sure.

How do one get in touch with people who can make this happen? I wanna invest!

That's an excellent question...

You're very shrewd @scandinavianlife!🤗

Make hay while the sun shines!👌

Thanks! :)

BTW! You talked me into it. I'm gonna buy some BCash!👌

Dota and Counterstrike Skins, MTG Cards, really anything collectible could be/should be tokenized. would make it impossible to duplicate or cheat the system, and they could prove the loot system is provably fair like online casino games or poker. Interesting post!

Exactly! Can someone please just make a beta of something like this??? NOW!? :)

A tradeable card game with fantasy warriors and monsters would be cool. Surely someone is working on it. :-)

they would have made way more money if they chose cryptodogs instead. more guys have ETH and guys dig dogs. cats are for chicks

What about cryptopimp? Collecting digital 'kitties'?



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