Ask Steemit: Wallets

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Hey everyone, I have been thinking a lot about wallets lately, and would like to get more of my crypto into wallets. Preferably hard wallets.

I am a big proponent of keeping as much of my money off exchange as possible.

What are your favorite wallets?

Hard wallets

multicurrency / safest

Digital wallets

preferably multicurrency

paper wallets

I've never done this before

Currently I am using a Jaxx digital wallet and I really enjoy several features about it

  • multicurrency
  • shapeshift integrated
  • mobile
  • easy interface


Let me know what you like to use and why!

P.S. I am looking at coinomi because it supports a bunch that Jaxx does not. Do you like that one?


I use SteemPay, because I made it lol.

yea buddy!!!!!!!

I still prefer paper over anything that can have it's battery die or whole unit break.

take that electricity!!!!!

I'm gonna be buying a Ledger Nano S in the near future. I prefer the 'cold' storage. I'll probably order two though, then if something happens to one, I won't have any crypto that's unaccessible while waiting for a replacement unit to arrive.

I prefer exodus over jaxx, but their fees are high, and you can't change that.
That said, I'm actually in the process of exploringnew wallets as well. I''ll most likelybe looking into a Nano S soon. They support a lot of currencies and it's cold storage, so super safe (thus far).

jaxx, i use jaxx

I'm just getting started with the crypto. In the same boat with finding out what to use

I'm using different wallets because of the better security for each currency!

I made the mistake of putting all my bitcoin in one exchange, Mt.Gox... for trading. Almost immediately after, it crashed and all of my bitcoin went into the bankruptcy black hole.

The lesson... never keep everything on one exchange.

Or never keep anything on exchange in the first place. ;)
Unless you are simply trading, of course - but even then, it is safer to constantly pull out your profits.

Good advice.

What about cold wallets?

Super interested in this as well... i hate leaving more than $100 on an exchange at a don't trust that shit like that at all... or don't trust the FEDs at all.....trying to keep they eyes on my dice

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