Origin Trail: Redefining the Supply Chain Industry via the Blockchain

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

origin trail.jpg

*Please note, the below article was written on January 2nd, 2018. As of March 5th, 2018, Origin Trail is trading on Etherdelta, Forkdelta and Idex

Launching its presale on January 15th and public token sale on January 29th, Origin Trail is the first purpose-built protocol enabling blockchain supported data sharing in supply chains. With large and complex supply chains susceptible to high costs, delays and fraud, Origin Trail aims to bring transparency, reliability, accountability, compliance and efficiency to supply chain management using the power of the blockchain.

Origin Trail protocol runs on an off-chain decentralized peer to peer network called the “Origin Trail Decentralized Network” (ODN). Users are able to negotiate services, transfer, process and retrieve data, and verify its’ integrity/availability. This network will minimize the amount of data on the blockchain, which will in turn reduce the associated costs and inefficiency.
The first focus of the Origin Trail team is the food industry. With an increasing number of consumers worldwide holding ill-will towards food companies and manufacturers, the ODN will provide trust, transparency and accountability to allow for peace of mind. Recently, Origin Trail was awarded Walmart’s Food Safety Innovation Spark Award and was admitted into its inaugural Innovation Program.

I strongly believe Origin Trail will disrupt the archaic supply chain management industry for the better. As always, do your own research regarding the technology, the team and the token sale. I'll provide a link below to their website. Their telegram is also full of useful information regarding the project and the team. You will not be disappointed.


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One of the things that I like about this technology is that it will bring down the operational cost because it will remove a lot of fraud from the system. @savantpr

Absolutely! I'm looking forward to the team's future progress with this technology as they begin to become more well known worldwide.

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