Be aware: Dreams might stay dreams

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Do you dream of an early retirement thanks to cryptocurrency? Buying houses all over the world? Nice dreams. Lots of people have those dreams, because their biggest wish in life is to get independent from the system. No more 9-5 slavery, no more living in a shitty place. The current cryptocurrency markets suddenly give hope. They give the illusion that the perfection of dreams might come true. But it might not. You can't predict the future. Don't depent your happiness on your dreams. Live in the now, not in the "I might get rich in the future". Fight the system now, don't wait for your maybe-independence. Look at the trees, the sun, the rain. It's beautiful. No matter how much cryptocurrency you own now or in the future. Of course, don't give up on the passion and idea of cryptocurrencies. The ideas are worldchanging and the future looks bright. But getting rich with it is just one dream, just one possible way for the future. Don't depent on it. There is more out there to experience and to dream of. Better to have decentralized network of dreams, then one centralized dream ruling everything.

Träumst du von einer Frühverrentung dank Kryptowährung? Häuser auf der ganzen Welt zu kaufen? Schöne Träume. Viele Menschen haben diese Träume, weil ihr größter Wunsch darin besteht, unabhängig vom System zu werden. Keine 9-5 Sklaverei mehr, nicht mehr in einem beschissenen Ort leben zu müssen. Die gegenwärtigen Kryptowährungsmärkte geben plötzlich Hoffnung. Sie geben die Illusion, dass die Perfektion der Träume wahr werden könnte. Aber vielleicht nicht. Du kannst die Zukunft nicht vorhersagen. Mache dein Glück und deine Zufriedenheit nicht von deinen Träumen abhängig. Lebe im Jetzt, nicht im "Ich könnte in Zukunft reich werden". Verändere das System jetzt, warte nicht auf deine Unabhängigkeit. Betrachte die Bäume, die Sonne, den Regen. Sie sind wunderschön. Egal wie viel Kryptowährung du jetzt oder in Zukunft besitzt. Natürlich, gib die Leidenschaft und die Idee der Kryptowährungen nicht auf. Die Ideen sind weltverändernd und die Zukunft sieht gut aus. Aber reich zu werden ist nur ein Traum, nur ein möglicher Weg für die Zukunft. Werde nicht abhängig von diesem Traum. Es gibt mehr da draußen zu erleben und zu träumen. Lieber dezentrales Netzwerk von Träumen, als ein zentralisierter Traum, der alles regiert.


I constantly meet people who talk about giving their crypto legacy to their kids one day, as form of inheritance.

While I can sympathize with that sentiment, I will do nothing of the sort.
Crypto is a tool, and it is still to be determined whether it's for real, or just another chapter in the game of population control that none of us can see yet.

I think it would be rather smart to invest the temporary gains into actual things, like a patch of land and a house (ONE house).
Start working on the land, help out the community with a food forest and enjoy the rest of crypto - for fun, not for needs.

Maybe I'm just an idealistic hippie in that way, but tangible will always surpass fictional

Thats my plan!

Wise words my friends! I like the idea of a world with a fusion of high technology and "primitivism". Nothing beats a good fruit, grown in the sun in a clean and natural environemt. :)

followed as well <3

Funny thing is, I always despised the idea living with nature. That is before I really got the taste for it.
Even if cryptos are the real deal for centuries now, if I have my patch of land and can sustain myself, my family and my local community - I will not regret having gotten out of crpyto at all :)

I think if humans live too much in a sterile environment, made out of plastic, metal, screens, etc. nature can be quite "scary". Step one to like nature: Go into nature, get in touch :D

You made a good call on this subject!
To me, I would gather all I need to gather now from cryptoworld and invest big into the future.

Tnx for this call up information! @sature

Resteemed! Great write up!

Thank you :) You have a new follower btw :D

Awesome thank you! I follow you as well :)

HODL forever, I don't want my fiat back, I want crypto to take over fiat!

Just say thank you I agree with you

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