in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

In this digital age, many companies and start-ups are coming up with new ‘innovative’ ideas that are geared towards eliminating the current structures we have in place. Lately, this trend has been soaring due to the success of blockchain technology in Bitcoin. More companies are using it as a revolution tool to change certain aspects in nearly all economic sectors. Some ideas are indeed revolutionary and others take time for us to truly understand their potential; some are however out rightly unfeasible and have very minimum professional value.

Before accepting any new ideas or investing in them, an in-depth analysis of their true potential needs to be done such that by the time you are investing your time and money in that ‘revolutionary’ project, you will have weighed all the pros and cons of the project. This is what we are going to do with the Yumerium platform. Carry out a small SWOT analysis and see whether it is fit for our adoption, whether it needs more time or whether it should be abandoned.

The Yumerium platform

This platform is built on the principle of giving credit where it due. The gaming community is filled with different participants who contribute in their own unique way to the growth of the entire gaming industry. Yumerium is building a platform that will reward each participant while providing extra services that will allow them to use their rewards and enjoy fresh new games. There are using the ‘earn-to-play’ model in their platform.

Yumerium is built on the tried and trusted platform that is blockchain. This is definitely the driving factor of Yumerium as without it, its core services would be at a disadvantage. But what does blockchain mean for Yumerium?

  1. Transparency. Yumerium will run a transparent platform. All the services that are to be paid for in the platform will be recorded precisely without any manipulation. Yumerium will be hosting a number of games on its platform that may need payment or will pay the gamers for playing it. This data will be recorded to avoid any confrontations when a party is not satisfied with the services received or the payment made.

  2. Instant settlement. For the game developers and publishers in the Yumerium platform, instant payments will be something they will enjoy for the services they provide. Yumerium will be using smart contracts, another advantage of blockchain, which will ensure that whenever payments are made by gamers, they go directly to the parties they are intended for. Each service provider will be compensated without any hassle.

  3. No third parties. Third parties have plagued so may industries. Most of these third parties may know nothing about the products they are trading in but they are the ones who make the most profit out of them. Yumerium’s platform is going to do away with them. There will not be any involvement of unnecessary third parties who only aim is only to make some quick cash. This will be supported by the use of blockchain and instant settlement solutions in the Yumerium platform.

  4. Proper planning. The Yumerium platform has a goal that it has set and it has a clear roadmap in place. It knows how to attain it and when it is attainable. Everything is being done according to a given time frame and nothing is being rushed. The products and services that are going to be provided in this platform will first be tested before they are released for the public to utilize. By the time these products are out, they will have met the satisfaction of the Yumerium team.

  5. A strong team. Yumerium is being run by an energetic team with experience in both the gaming sector and the blockchain industry. This places them in a good position as it understands the needs of both industries therefore they can plan accordingly


In the history of man, there is nothing perfect that we have ever built. Everything has its own flaws but we find ways to live with them and minimize their effects on what we have built. The Yumerium platform is also man-made and has some challenges of its own.

  1. The adoption of the platform may be slow as people generally take in new products after some time. However, Yumerium has an advertisement plan that will ensure that its products and its presence is known to the online community. Programs such as bounty programs are being run to increase awareness of the platform

  2. Unforeseen circumstances. The business world is sometimes very unpredictable. The roadmap Yumerium has in place may be influenced by different things that may lead to its readjustment. The Yumerium team is however capable of handling whatever comes its way to the best of their ability.

Yumerium’s open gaming platform is the first of its kind to use blockchain technology. Depending on how it performs, it has the power to influence the types of games that will be produced and played in the days to come. Through their crowdfunding program, Yumerium will have the chance of supporting game developers. This may resonate positively with other developers and investors and may give Yumerium some leveraging power in the gaming industry.

What could threaten the success of Yumerium is bad publicity, especially for ICOs. This may affect their crowdsale which may ultimately affect the progress of their platform. They are also engaging in a highly competitive sector with large corporations, who have vast amounts of resources behind them.


Having looked at all aspects of Yumerium, it has the potential to influence change in the gaming industry and even pioneer some great programs. Yumerium may be worth your time and even money!

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TOKEN SALE: July 11th - July 24th

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very good project..i have read about this in depth...great solution for gamers to now actually earn :-)

That's correct, a beneficial solution for the gaming industry.

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