in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Uncloak is a security oriented blockchain startup with a different view of how security in institutions should be handled. Now, we have antiviruses and firewalls in place but have these been able to top the hacks from happening? Big names such as Yahoo, Twitter, Google, Apple, all these technology giants have been victims of compromised systems where a small flaw is exploited by keen hackers who then proceed to take their loot once they have made it in.

This loot can be personal data, credit card information, confidential company or government files, all the things we think are safely stored digitally. The compromise of these companies is a wake-up call to any institution that thinks their system is safe because of a few extra firewalls and an IT department with first class graduates.

The growing world of tech

The HIV virus is a very interesting organism. We have not found a great way to deal with it completely because of its ever-changing form. It confuses our immunity by changing its shape time and again therefore it cannot pin it down. Such is the tech world. Things evolve so rapidly such that blocking one avenue opens the doors to ten new avenues of hacking.

Cyber-attacks work on their skills night and day to try and be better than the rest because to some of them, hacking is a competition yet companies end up suffering because of this. To keep up with hackers, institutions need to revamp their systems ever so often that it may be too expensive to maintain top notch security. However, the fact still remains that tech is evolving daily and if you do not grow with it, then you are left weak and prone to attacks.

One step ahead

So many movies depict institutions as being one step or even more behind hackers, for every security set up they put up, hackers always have a backup plan. Uncloak wants this to change in the real world. The tables need to be turned to prevent losses that arise from hacking. In 2017 alone, 10% of over US$ 3 Billion that was raised in ICOs was lost to hackers. The trend needs to stop and Uncloak may have just discovered the best way to go about it.

From the HIV analogy, it keeps changing its shape over and over again. If the white blood cells were to ‘report’ any suspicious organism in the blood, wouldn’t fighting HIV be much easier for them? Uncloak plans to use this method through a platform where white hackers can report any suspected vulnerabilities so that they can be assessed and solutions can be made against these potential threats.

Uncloak is being built on top of the EOS blockchain which supports a sort of harmonization between developers. Developers can be able to exchange ideas and communicate efficiently via the EOS blockchain. The sharing of information is the most important factor here. When one white hacker encounters a new threat, they can easily forward this threat to others who can then start working on the best way to prevent the exploitation of networks using that weakness.

The platform will work in a very simple and clear way:

  • White hackers will simulate an attack on a system.

  • They will attack every point of the system trying to find out which part is likely to give out access to the system.

  • Once this is done, the point of weakness is communicated to the larger Uncloak community where 4 validators will confirm the potential of this threat and whether it is something new or something that is in existence in their database.

Either way, a solution for the threat will be made or will be ready. For white hackers who discover new threats, the platform will give them a reward of UNC which are tokens that can be used to access services within Uncloak and traded in cryptoassets exchanges. This incentive is used as a way of creating a need to search for more weak points in networks.

Uncloak would have achieved its goal of making networks robust in terms of security if they can pull this off. By exposing their weaknesses themselves, they will always be a step ahead of hackers.

The Uncloak business aspect

A number of businesses have valuable assets that they need to protect, there are some that are constantly under attack by different parties and there are others that just fear the results of a hack on their system. Uncloak is well equipped to serve all these clients and many others with office networks in their organization. They have a very flexible payment model that will prove of good value to the company. The threats posed by cyber attackers can cripple an entire institution, preventing this would save so much more than repairing the damages done after a successful hack.

They will charge their services in UNC tokens which will be traded on various cryptocurrency exchanges. Increase in use of these tokens would mean that they would also increase in value which would be great for Uncloak and owners of the tokens.

Getting involved

The dates are from 26th June to 3rd July 2018 for the main sale, the presale is running until 25th June 2018. The proceeds from the sale will go towards building the Uncloak platform into the security powerhouse that it hopes to be.

Further Links

TOKEN SALE: 26th June - 3rd July

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