InterValue’s Application in Education And Beyond

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Blockchain has been pegged to be a force in the technological field that will shape up the future of nearly all industries in the world. InterValue will help make this happen as it proposes the next step in blockchain development with an improved platform dubbed ‘Blockchain 4.0’. EOS and COSMOS were praised for their platforms which marked the 3.0 era that focused on improving blockchain in its entirety. All these tweaks and changes are being done to prepare this technology for a worldwide adoption and subsequent use. Centralized systems support a vast population who are still using these platforms as there are no effective alternatives. Blockchain was supposed to be the alternative that would make centralized systems rethink their relevance in the world market, however, the level of efficiency targeted has not yet been reached. InterValue has made improvements from the 3.0 era and hopes that its platform will deliver a system that can support hundreds of millions to billions depending on the demand.

✅One of the sectors the blockchain was to revolutionize was the education system. Whichever system in use by different countries could be revamped and made more efficient through the implementation of the blockchain. This article surveys the changes that InterValue has made and how they are going to be essential in serving the education industry among other industries.

Meeting The Needs Of The Education Sector

Education is essential for the world’s economy. Apart from the money being generated by universities each year, educations most essential service is the generation of professionals each year who maintain and innovate existing system as they change the world for a better tomorrow. The education sector is in itself not perfect. Different countries have their own challenges that are hindering the growth in their education sector and ultimately the quality of graduates from their universities.

There are top universities as ranked by select systems which many people would opt to go to as a result of the services they provide; having the ability to provide these services worldwide while using available facilities in the universities present in every location would be a great boost to the education sector. However, integration of education services across countries is something that has not been keenly considered. Exchange programs may be great; however, a greater impact is needed and this requires a large-scale improvement of services.

Blockchain, and especially, the InterValue system can be able to provide solutions to challenges plaguing education in select countries and globally.

Active Collaborations

InterValue understands the value of working with a broader team in order to achieve its goals. They may not have direct solutions to solving problems in the education sector and other sectors as well. However, there are innovators beyond their technical teams and within the blockchain community who can come up with innovative Dapps suited for the education sector. For example, a team can work on a DApp dedicated to helping student’s access to affordable student credit in any university or school in the world. A different team could work on an app that helps graduates find jobs or a convenient way to pay off their student loans.

For this reason, InterValue has initiated active collaborations with various developers. The project itself has a number of teams that are working as collaborators to try and help make this platform and its subsequent uses a success. Developers in the blockchain community usually require funding for building their applications for large-scale adoption. InterValue is working closely with the likes of RootsCap which focuses on blockchain investments and may help developers or startups access much-needed capital to create their problem-solving applications.

Obsidian Capital Fund is another strategic partner that is working with InterValue. Their services will be needed when it comes to discovering the factors hindering the progression of DApps and helping them do away with these problems which may also include funding these DApps.

InterValue has more than 10 strategic partners that can help fund various blockchain projects based on their platform. Developers who would want to work with InterValue to provide solutions in education and any other sector could benefit greatly from the extra services that may result from InterValue’s collaborations.

Speed And Efficiency

If there is anything that school teaches rights from the get-go it has to be time management. Everything has its own time. Going through education requires discipline especially on time. In line with that, InterValue has a host of technical features that improve on the speed and efficiency of its protocol to ensure that time is spent productively by any party using their protocol. It plans on being the first blockchain 4.0 to have transfer rates of over one million TPS. Such speeds would make transactions near instant. Privacy and anonymity are also prioritized together with security ensuring that all users of InterValue have their data stored safely and can operate with only the permission parties getting access to information they allow.

Take for example a DApp that supports joint research among a number of universities. Universities can register, provide students with the research and have the research done efficiently even if these universities are miles apart. It may even support secure video conferencing for consultative meetings. The results and data obtained can be safely stored and exchanges through this DApp supported by InterValue. What makes this unique on InterValue is that the DApp can support multiple projects such as this around the world as a result of the TPS that will be available in the InterValue protocol.

✅The recruitment process can also become easier through InterValue. Universities and employers may come up with a system aids attestation when recruitment processes are being carried out. Imagine having all employment documents safely stored on an online platform and can efficiently be used to apply for jobs? This could help streamline the recruitment process by reducing the overall resources spent during one recruitment drive. Documents could be easily verified by employers over this platform. Users who lose their physical documents would have no reason to worry as their original digital copies would be readily available and accepted in the market. This is another innovation that may arise as a result of streamlining blockchain in blockchain 4.0.

Enabling speed and efficiency

Part of the reason why some of these innovations haven’t been realized and adopted by the greater majority is due to the inadequacy inefficiency that was seen in the previous eras of the blockchain. The 3.0 era brought about some improvements but InterValue’s lead on 4.0 will provide more than just minor tweaks.

►InterValue has some of the greatest minds on their team. Their CTO, Leo Cheung, for example, is skilled in the P2P aspect of the blockchain. He is definitely part of the team that came up with the P2P system that InterValue is to utilize that will increase the security of nodes supporting InterValue. Both Tor and blockchain technologies are employed to form a kind of double-layer which makes it difficult for nodes to be traced or for communication protocols to be compromised. This bolsters the security of InterValue and any DApp based on this platform.

►Crossing and merging chain technologies will also feature in InterValue. Different education systems may be using different blockchains or Dapps within InterValue. Through crossing and merging of chains, cross chain transactions and transparent operations within InterValue can be maintained. The independence of crossing chain operations will be maintained as well.

►With education, a lot of data is expected to flow in the InterValue ecosystem. Optimization of data, therefore, becomes a priority for InterValue. A new data structure system will be used in InterValue that provides for a more efficient and secure storage of data within the InterValue ecosystem. A HashNet structure that is obtained from DAG is proposed for the InterValue proposal. It will reduce the storage space requirements for nodes while also adding extra security to data being stored in the InterValue ecosystem. Academics can be rest assured that their data hosted in InterValue will forever remain safe. Accessing this data will also be done at the convenience of users within the platform.

►A hybrid consensus mechanism that utilizes HashNet and Byzantine will also feature in InterValue. Fast confirmations and a high transaction concurrency will result from this system. This is part of the technology that will enable InterValue to reach its target of 1 Million TPS and beyond which will provide for a responsive and fast platform.

Beyond Efficiency In Education

A number of apps can be created that will make the education sector better, therefore, resulting in properly equipped professionals. Aside from this, there is also the aspect of mining which can be undertaken by students as a way of generating some revenue through the tokens they will receive for the service they provide. This would help fund other activities that students may undertake while in school, therefore, making InterValue not only a great protocol for improving the efficiency of the education system but also a protocol that enables students within the education system.

✅Education can gain more value from blockchain through InterValue. Innovators can use their creativity to provide the best blockchain solutions that the education system requires. Furthermore, these innovations can possibly be used beyond the education system. The ability to serve different sectors by InterValue increases its credibility as a protocol. For more on InterValue, its roadmap, offers, and any other extra information visit the links below.

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