More Crypto Carnage : An Update for May 11, 2018

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

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Random thoughts for entertainment purposes on cryptocurrency short term prices. This post is purely for entertainment value alone, and is not intended to represent or constitute financial advice. Always provide your own due diligence and risk management in respect to investments.

More carnage indeed! Prices are getting HAMMERED today. A couple of shorts manifested overnight/early this morning. I’ll be looking to add to my HODL positions if a few of these coin’s short targets are met. As always, time will tell, but i like these makes life more exciting, right? That’s what I keep telling myself, anyway..


Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 11.32.28 AM.png

The Beast generated a trendline break down today; the current short target is $7950 USD / BTC.


Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 11.32.28 AM.png

Another one breaking down...this one is forecasting a short term price projection of $577 USD / ETH.


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Target met! No trades at this point, but if the wedge target hits, I would think we’ll see price in the neighborhood of $.58 USD / XRP.

Bitcoin Cash

Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 11.32.56 AM.png

More slaughter...this trendline breakdown is manifesting a short term target of $1050 USD / coin.


Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 11.33.05 AM.png

Weakness, weakness, and more weakness. A price target of $13.50 USD / EOS is on the chart.

Litecoin the Laggard

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Here is where my 21 Litecoins should really should drop like a rock to $113 USD.


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Target met...awaiting a new trade setup to manifest from the abyss…


Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 11.33.28 AM.png

Speaking of dropping like a rock, Stellar is falling hard. No short term price targets at this time.


Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 11.33.38 AM.png

Ugly ugly ugly...but a target of $1.30 USD / IOTA


Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 11.33.48 AM.png

Still proceeding towards the earlier call made this week.


Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 11.33.58 AM.png

Ugh, even beloved Digi is getting hammered today. I will definitely be converting some Kucoin into Digi should the $.0325 USD target get met.

In Summation

Short term, we have:

  • Bitcoin @ $7950 USD
  • Ethereum @ $772 USD
  • Bitcoin Cash @ $ 1050 USD
  • EOS @ $13.50 USD
  • Litecoin @ $113 USD
  • IOTA @ $1.30 USD
  • Digibyte @ $.0325 USD

An ugly picture, across the board. There is nothing even close to resembling a short term long target. Prices are getting hammered, and I think I am going to do the same at lunch (just kidding, but not really).

My hope is to get some market breadth indicators in place going forward, and home to have a few metrics for tomorrow. We aren’t getting to Luna today, friends, but at least we can make charts and graphs. Have a great weekend everyone - good fortune and good trading to all.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63630.04
ETH 2656.44
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.81