EOS in Nowhere Land : A Cryptocurrency Update 5-21-2018

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago


Random thoughts for entertainment purposes on cryptocurrency short term prices. This post is purely for entertainment value alone, and is not intended to represent or constitute financial advice. Always provide your own due diligence and risk management in respect to investments.

Just a few things this morning. First and foremost, I’m still not able to retire from my cryptocurrency investments. Secondly, I am beginning to think I should start accumulating more NEO in order to get more GAS dividends. Maybe some type of MA BTC:NEO swap? I’m not sure - I drank way too much coffee this morning, so I might be getting ahead of myself.

EOS Update

Screenshot 2018-05-21 at 12.01.44 PM.png

In the middle of two targets now, EOS has a preexisting short target of $11.30 USD, and a newly formed target of $17.50 USD long. I’m hoping to cash out of EOS by end of the month, so that should mean the $11.30 target will be met. Time will tell.

EOS Momentum :

Short term : UP
Mid term : DOWN
Long term : DOWN


Short term, this is closing in on “overbought territory.” Mid term, EOS still wildly oversold.

Litecoin Update

Screenshot 2018-05-21 at 12.01.54 PM.png

I dread to even mention this one...but here it is. Also in Nowhere land, this one generated a long target of $161.75 USD yesterday. Yet the $120 USD short is still in play. If I were a betting man, I would guess my 21 litecoin’s price will hit : ?

Litecoin Momentum :

Short term : UP
Mid term : DOWN
Long term : DOWN


Short and mid term, LTC is oversold.

Cardano Update

Screenshot 2018-05-21 at 12.02.04 PM.png

A long target of $.31 USD was generated. Momentum looks the same as Litecoin and EOS. Only mid term charts are oversold.

That’s it as of now. Good luck and good fortune to all.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62827.81
ETH 2583.62
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.73