Google Will Ban Cryptocurrency Related Ads

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Following Facebook's footsteps, in a recent update of their financial services policy Google has announced they will start banning cryptocurrency ads starting in June 2018. In Google’s newly updated financial products policy, no advertisements for “cryptocurrencies and related content (including initial coin offerings, cryptocurrency exchanges, cryptocurrency wallets, and cryptocurrency trading advice),” will be accepted.

We don't have a crystal ball to know where the future is going to go with cryptocurrencies, but we've seen enough consumer harm or potential for consumer harm that it's an area that we want to approach with extreme caution

Once again proving that the world is shaking from the earthquake cryptocurrencies are currently causing and how they threaten to make the the plagued, corrupt and broken monetary system obsolete. This news is just further reasuring the ones who understand the technology, what promlems it's solving and how it will change the world, but sifting out the ones who are only here for the gains. Although a good effort to cast an iron curtain on cryptocurrencies they fail to understand that the change is already happening and it's too late to stop it.

They may slow the process a little but they will never stop the revolution and the people willing to escape the schalkes of fiat currencies, central banks and the fractal reserve banking scam will naturally find they way to cryptocurrencies.


The world needs to differentiate between Bitcoin and some crazy ICO that two guys put together over the weekend and are pumping with crazy earnings claims :(

People need to be able to inform themselves before investing into anything. It's like you want to ban needles because heroin addicts use them to shoot up. Doesn't make sense.

Interesting analogy. When put that way, it certainly doesn't make sense. Some of my peers are "scared" over the volatility of crypto coins. Luckily, I have a close set of Steemian friends who'd prefer to look at crypto as the future of money.

Well, they do not think they do. It would be better to identify fakes and not blink everything.

Google will lose it's spot if it starts banning to much. It's supposed to search the internet, not only some small approved parts of the internet

This is a good idea for crypto i think. Scams are what are killig the reputation of crypto. We are going to see a fall in crypto in next few weeks, with a few bucking that trend..

ahaha it seems likeBitcoin vibes finally shaking up the internet giant Google :D, I'm happy about it. if they ban, they would loose more revenue/traffic. so steemit is going to be the platform . Google should open its token before its too late ;) go crypto gooooo x

Even though I'm am real Cryptocurrencies enthusiast I think its a good thing. Like you said their are many people in the game with literally no clue about the vision and potential different Cryptocurrencies have and to use your words "are only here for the gains".

Is a vicious circle: scare sells can dip the market quite good and the only reason why their are so many scammers out their is because of those people blinded by naivety with no clue what they are doing.

Even though it is their own fault I fell with those people losing money like that and think banning those adds will lead to less clueless people on the market.

I think banning all crypto ads is a little overboard. More scrutiny should be done on submitted ads instead. At the same time, this clearly highlighted the problem with centralized systems. When too much power is given to a central party, we are often at their mercy.

Hey@runicar! I think cryptocurrencies will eventually and unfortunately be led by the Beast, (central vomitment..ha!haa!) These policies serve to take away our financial freedom, Google and the likes are following instructions with a pistol held to their heads. I've stopped investing, the markets are too volatile at the moment, I'm going to wait awhile and see what happens. Peace.

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