Fuck Me Fridays!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Fuck Me Fridays! News To Ruin or Bless Your Weekend!

Sorry, this is totally SFW and probably not what you were thinking. What a way to start the weekend, reading Fake Satoshi tweet about how he and the Bcash team are going to come out with 200 blockchain related patents for BCH.

When I saw this my head spun. This is totally antithetical to what Nick Szabo, erm Satoshi Nakamoto did. How anyone can consider the people behind Bcash as anything other than bad actors in crypto is beyond me. Luckily Roger has spoken on this before.

I guess we can assume nChain will not be working with Bcash in the future thanks to Roger's position. Maybe not a bad start to the weekend after all!

And just as I was feeling better about the weekend it got a LOT better when my valentine's gift arrived!

Signing off to fire up Logic and make some beats! I love Fridays!

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I wasn't expecting pornography from you, but I am curious why you chose to call your post that. There's no self-loathing or something like that in this post, so… Just like the alliteration?

Shock value. Seeing if it works.

Ha, hilarious title - also caught that thread. Are you on Twitter too then?

Enjoy the new keyboard/synth controller

Ya, thought it would catch some people. Shock value still has value!

I am enjoying the midi controller right now. Bass lines for days!

This post has received gratitude of 1.81 % from @appreciator thanks to: @rt395.

Who is fake Satoshi? Roger? Or is Roger denouncing fake Satoshi? I thought Satoshi was unknown. I'm pretty confused by this. I don't believe in IP so patent and copyright are both BS as far as I see.

Craig Wright is Fake Satoshi. Scam artist from Australia and part of Roger's Team for Bcash. Basically Roger says a lot of shit, then contradicts himself.

Craig should not even be allowed to show his face in crypto because he claimed to be Satoshi and was very quickly proven to be a scammer. Long story, but one you should know about. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/may/03/craig-wright-bitcoin-founder-claim-labelled-scam-satoshi-nakamoto

Ok. Now that you say that I think I remember when the Craig Wright fake Satoshi thing happened.

BCash? It's BitCoin Cash, if you call it BCash one more time I'll put an end to this interview :D

Exactly... I see you're a man of culture as well :D

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