Bitcoin Cash(BCH): bubble or Real thing ?

As soon as network split happened yesterday.
bitcoin Cash price started going up and up.
and its currently at 500$

it went as high as 1100$ on some exchange markets.
but they are not allowing deposits/withdrawals in Bitcoin Cash
such as bittrex

I i think it won't gain very huge value, as other cryptocoin enthusiasts saying . its just a hyip and it will soon come back down.
it will not gain as much value as bitcoin has.

These are still my personal thoughts.
i am not giving any financial advice. whether to invest in it
or not invest in it. make your own decision

BCH or Bitcoin Cash had
low value of just over 200$
And high value of 1100$ on some exchanges. in past 24 hours.

All being said. i also want to take your thoughts on it.
feel free to share your thoughts. with me.



I made out with double profit of 22.41 LOL

you made double profit ? lovely

Yeah, on Kraken it went up to $830 or so and I should've cashed out then but then it started falling when people started to wake up literally LOL

Yeah. now its falling. :p

Gotta know when to cash out haha!

Could've profited 4 fold

I am pretty sure bubbles will form all the time despite the currency.

अपकी वोट हमारे लिए महत्यपूर्ण है। जिसके लिए हम आपको धन्यवाद करते है। और वोट करते रहे। @ahlawat
nice post
‌‌‌बिट कोयिन सबसे अच्छी करन्सी है।

잘 읽었다

운이 좋아서 $1,100 벌었다

더 많은 돈을 벌기위해서

기회를 엿보고있다

나의 욕심인가? ^^;

Interesting post. Quality information is present. Thank you. Upvoted.

I am not sure it will have staying power. Right now it's getting exposure from the media because of the fork, but how does it compare to other altcoins (i'm considering it an altcoin). If you're a trader, you are loving the volatility.

i agree :) i think i will enter when i see some stability

What do you think about the Steemit price? Do you think it will go up in the next months?

I am not sure about Steem , i think it can rise.
as i dont' have number on how much Steem is mined on daily basis.
i will gather information and then make a post

Looking forward to it!

Only 12 Bitcoin Cash blocks have been mined since the hard fork.Information that interest my friend .......

Thanks bro

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