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RE: Making Change With Cryptocoins: A Personal Experience

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Whoa. That musta shooken you up a bit.

There was one bridge missing in the story I was expecting - how exactly do you see the connection with the experience and blockchain tech?

I have an assumption, though feel it'd be a more powerful story to integrate that one piece - could be something as simple as 'situations like this would be less likely to happen if new means blockchain-driven means were available to create financial stability, as has been done on Steemit."

Even though I could read between the lines, that is one key piece that'd greatly boost the impact of the moral the story.


I appreciate your input. I feel that blockchain and cryptocurrency in itself doesn't do much to improve society on it's own as we have seen in the industry so far. However, when researching connections between economics and crime it is hard to find a succinct theory or really anything that connects the two in quite the way I wanted. I have a theory i'm going to be posting as a bridge of sorts to explain how our current fiat currency is valuable in and of itself but does not encourage valuable behaviors or actions in society. I call it the walking dead theory, which is also a marxist argument against capitalism. Essentially, this experience has only led me to consider that when it comes to 'random' events such as these, there are definitley things going on behind the scenes that create a ripe environment for them to occur. It was a little hard for me to keep my post a suitable length and add in all of my scattered ass thinking lol. I love your feedback and appreciate you leaving a comment. I guess I do need to get better at explaining things out rather than relying on people to read between the lines to understand, I'll make sure to implement it into my future writing. <3

Happy to be of service.

The more I've written over the last year here, the greater the skills developed. Part of the biggest reward is being able to pass on tips and lessons such as these. One little tweak with the addition of such a simple part could go a huge way in the end impact of the story. I can see you're committed to a great path and would love to watch your success unfold, so it's an honor and privilege to be able to offer such small feedback - knowing that if it is implemented, the ripple effects could be pretty friggin' awesome... :-)

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