Chakra - Revolutionary new block-chain architecture that overcomes most shortcomings in current blockchain tech

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

A Quick Foreword

Noble Nation is a platform that holistically integrates all the functions of a nation, including social, economic and governance systems. It is built on an innovative new blockchain architecture called Chakra. The Chakra protocol and framework is designed to overcome many of the limitations and shortcomings in current blockchain technology and position crypto-platforms to truly replace the flawed legacy social,economic and governance systems and institutions that we rely on today.

Please read the whitepaper here.

We are doing an ICO in order to raise funds for this project. Please check us out.

Below is an excerpt from our technology whitepaper, as a brief introduction to Chakra - the technology behind Noble Nation.

Chakra - A Social Trust Based, Hierarchically Replicated, Atomically Distributed Block-Chain with Consensus by a Random-Active Representative Public

Despite the popularity and enthusiasm at the early stages of adoption, the existing Block chain/Distributed ledger technologies have many serious shortcomings, both at the technical level and at the social/institutional levels. These will inevitably limit adoption and prevent the current generation of technologies from realizing the vision that many in the crypto community hope for.

To bring about the freedom, openness and true value that crypto technology promises, Noble Nation re-engineers the technological and philosophical foundations on which social, economic and governance systems can be built.

Noble Nation Built on Chakra Protocol

While Noble Nation defines the philosophical social, economic and governance principles and frameworks, these are practically realized by using the novel new Chakra Protocol & Framework.

Chakra Protocol & Framework solves most of the technical short comings of current peer to peer distributed systems including the block chain and distributed ledger systems by cleverly utilizing the social and moral trust established by Noble Nation.

Noble Nation defines the Sovereign Individual entity (i.e. a unique Human Individual) as the root of all ownership and action. Such Individuals coming together for mutual cooperation to achieve common objectives is called an association. An association does not have an existence of its own, and is a virtual entity whose existence is nothing more than the collective existence of its constituent members. The Chakra association is realized through a peer network of nodes, which represent each member’s interest in the association.

This network, called the Chakra Node Cloud, and its operating protocol defines a distributed network of nodes that immutably store and retrieve data and process transactions in a secure, deterministic, decentralized and distributed manner for Chakra Entities.

Simplified Diagram Depicting the Segmented Hierarchically Replicated Chakra Address Space

Social Trust Based
Chakra Node Cloud consists of Chakra nodes, each owned and hosted by a cryptographically trusted sovereign individual member who is bound by the noble principles and is the moral authority for actions carried out by that node.

Atomically Distributed
Data is distributed across the node cloud in atomic block chains. These block chains are atomic in that they store a single piece of data identified by an individual address in the Chakra address space. This is in contrast to legacy block-chain technology which stores all data in a single giant block chain.

The Chakra Address Space is split into segments. Nodes are assigned zones that cover one or more segments (depending on tier). Nodes host the data and processes transactions on behalf of objects (i.e. atomic block-chains) stored at addresses that are within the address segments that fall under its zone.

Hierarchically Replicated
Chakra Node Cloud forms a hierarchy of tiers in a B-Tree fashion. Nodes are assigned to tiers according to a Node’s compute capacity and a figure of merit of the Node’s Owner (e.g. the social reputation of the owner in a Noble Nation or the shareholding in a corporation). In the lowest tier, a zone maps to a single address segment. In each higher tier, a zone encompasses multiple zones in the tier below. Data is replicated across each tier but not across nodes in the same tier. This hierarchy forms a validation chain for each address segment called the Segment Authority Chain (SAC).

Consensus by a Random-Active Representative Public (Re-public)
By actively randomizing the assignment of nodes to zones and limiting the tenure of a node in a zone, these nodes in the SAC become a statistically random (and hence not easy to subvert) set of delegates that represent the whole population. For a transaction to be committed to an address in a segment, all the nodes in the SAC must validate the transaction and reach consensus.

The above features together, effectively distributes the data and transaction load across the node population while achieving robust fault tolerance, security and determinism.

As stated earlier, the Association Node Cloud becomes an open immutable data store for Chakra Entities. Chakra Space is formed as a mutually dependent construct of this Chakra Node Cloud together with the Chakra framework and runtime.

Comparison of Chakra vs Current Block Chain Technology

As stated earlier, you can read the full whitepaper here.

Chakra promises to be a game changer and the platform on which real solutions to the most pressing problems in the world can be built.

Through its social, economic and governance frameworks, Noble Nation can bring about a world free of poverty, conflict, corruption and injustice.

Our goal is great and our journey is long, but it is something that must be done. Please checkout out our ICO and support us in any way you can. Please get in touch with us to see how you can get involved.

In later posts I will introduce Noble Nation's philosophical underpinnings and describe how its social, economic and governance frameworks can make poverty, conflict, corruption and injustice a thing of the past.


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 68237.15
ETH 3499.75
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.72