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RE: How stupid do financial institutions believe people are?

The "Strong Hold" that the banks have over us all is "Simple" . In order to conduct business in our day to day lives, we have to have a "Bank" just to pay other people that we owe. It's not just paying for food or clothing at "Walmart" with a debit card (and the banks provide this service to you as a consumer of goods and services) the party just got started. Next Rent and or Mortage, Cable Bill, Electric , Water, Car Payment , Car Insurance , Things our children need at School (and like the song say's "Everyday is a winding Road." So I don't think the Banks think we are stupid. They simple know as a member or consumer we just don't have any other chose. By design I'm sure!


Hey @rocketstedy44, IMO the reason that we are in this stronghold, is that the banking system never evolved like most other industries. I think the Finance industry is the only industry that have not gone through a revolution of some kind for the past few hundred years. Technologies like Blockchain and Crypto Currency, will probably be the change that everybody has been waiting for... but onlu time will tell :)

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