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We can create something better.
Behind CoinStarter is a team of Entrepreneurs, Economists, Philantropists and Software Engineers working together with the belief of creating something better

No more crypto middleman
Our platform uses artificial intelligence to create and deploy smart contracts onto the blockchain.
We believe that combining AI with our talents overseeing every stage of the process, we can create the next generation of blockchain technology, that simplifies the blockchain and makes it viable for mass adoption by the public. It's like a drag and drop tool to power your blockchain.

Automated smart contracts without coding
You can use CoinStarter's technology to issue and distribute tokens to supporters.
The technology is based on Bitcoin and we allow supporters to use over 50 different altcoins to help your project come alive.


waste of time, you need to launch an ico through them to withdraw......

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 63013.55
ETH 2460.64
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64