Generate your own new cryptocurrency . What are the requirements???

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Hi guys ,
Today I will be giving you information about how to generate your own cryptocurrency. 100's of cryptocurrency are being generated yearly with the aim to reach higher . Now a days they generally use the concept of initial coin offering to inverstors and as the cryptocurrency industry matures, moderators are slowly stepping in with the intent of protecting potential investors from fraud.
Some initial steps for coin generation are given below:

1.Get a team(advisors and experts)

Initially we need to launch ICO's so at first we need the team with experience in marketing, high-profile investors to give credibility to the project and experts to give advice for the further step.

2.White paper

Generally white paper deals with the goals of the token to potential investors ,high-level problems and solutions to very complex technical details that describe the blockchain code being designed to support the coin.
Nowadays , instead of white paper pitch deck is used in ICO which defines about Coin and its intended purpose and list advisors.

3.Build it

During building you need to care about 4's. -scale


Developers and engineers must have concept about coding and the vision must be clear.In coding the most complex steps may be related to how complex you plan to have the individual parameters of the blockchain. Hashing and security parameters must be followed. Most of the new coions doesn't write theor code but instead copy same of LTC , BTC, ETH and change something in them.

4. Distributing, Selling, Mining

After the disitribuition ends and the selling process starts . Make the great use of white paper mentioning about the aim of coin to sell it.But overselling your coin will backfire. We need loyal miners who will process the payments so that coin get evenly distributed ![]()

5.Legalize and know your merchants

Many markets have collapsed due to illegal activities so regulators are slowly stepping in with the intent of protecting potential investors from fraud. Different coins get huge loss doe to this. Protections and nurturing the development of your currency give your coin legitimacy and trust in the eyes of the investors, traders and users, something that is hard to do if those involved in the currency are passive spectators looking out for their own interests and goes for illegal activities.

So, following above steps, we can create new currencies. Thats all for today guys . If you like the topic and concept, dont forget to follow me for the similar intresting content.

Thanks for Reading


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This info is really very good for those who like to start new cryptocurrency

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