Genomics you can trust, on the blockchain: Shivom

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

You may have heard some genomics companies such as 23 & Me sequencing genomes, sending information to people and letting them know about their ancestors and potential genetic diseases. These types of companies were mainly unsuccessful because they could not correctly analyze the data and they could not be trusted. According to Scientific American journal, "the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ordered the genetic-testing company immediately to stop selling its flagship product, its $99 “Personal Genome Service” kit." and the reason for that is not what FDA thinks, but "The genetic-testing company's real goal is to hoard your personal data". This is not acceptable, and especially after the Facebook fiasco of losing private data to other companies, a deal breaker. Now, enter blockchain, where you get to not only keep your own data in your control, you keep it ALL THE TIME. In other words, as long as you keep your private keys in your control, no other company can control your data or hand it over to some other entity, be it a company or a government. This is not only because of their quantum security or anything like that, but because the public ledger kept on the blockchain is always anonymous, and the data is always fragmented. This means that no one computer has your data and this way nobody can use your data for their own purpose. The public ledger is immutable and it cannot be hacked thanks to the blockchain.

This graph explains how Shivom works:

This platform will collect data and it does not deny that it will create the largest genome database on earth. The difference is that anyone who gives up their data will always own their own data and will be able to withdraw that data any time. For example, if you wanted to learn your ancestry, you can order one of their kits and submit your data, learn your ancestry, and see how ethnic you are and learn about your roots if you want. You will be able to learn about your health and your genetic risks also. You may want to learn if you have breast cancer risk, or if you have heart disease risk. If you have a significantly high risk though, you may not want your insurance company finding that out though, because it will increase your insurance payments for no reason other than you paid to get tested. Therefore this platform has this very important feature, where you can simply withdraw your data, by withholding your private key, and no one will be able to get to it without your say so. Research companies can always use your data, but the normally anonymous data on the blockchain will depend on your permission to release details such as gender, age, race and others such as whether you are smoking or not.

Here is a short and sweet video explaining Shivom:

It is really nice to see genetics companies using the advantages of the blockchain, which is expected to be a more significant improvement than the internet, getting finance to masses and freeing people from centuries-old institutions. Having such as a structure will help create the largest database on earth, and keep your privacy as well.

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Hi, great post, have followed you. What do you think of the current state of the Bitcoin market?

Bearish. Lets hope it will get better.

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Tüm Bağışlarınız SP Kiralamak İçin Kullanılacaktır. @destektr'ye Verdiğiniz Önemden Dolayı Çok Teşekkür Ederiz!

great view. iShivom is really promising.

Best project for present days. I believe it is gonna rock the blockchain.

I like it very much this proje and idea. Because it is really nice to see genetics companies using the advantages of the blockchain, which is expected to be a more significant improvement than the internet, getting finance to masses and freeing people from centuries-old institutions.

Very informative and useful post . İt is a fact that many people do not trust companies , projects and etc... Shivom lets you control your data which you really rely on ...

It looks a promising project. Thanks for this article.

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