Last Hour Price Changes: STEEM:-1.77 BTC:0.41 ETH:0.62 XRP:-0.07 BCH:0.67 ADA:0.57 XLM:2.06 LTC:0.16 EOS:0.41 NEO:0.68 XEM:0.51

Cryptocurrency Market Dominance

Total market capital:


Total 24 volume:


Active currencies:


Active assets:


Active markets:

Name Market Capital (usd) Volume 24h (usd) Available Supply
Bitcoin 191,907,087,875 8,844,840,000 16,826,575 BTC
Ethereum 103,562,656,048 4,082,560,000 97,211,809 ETH
Ripple 50,860,233,205 943,439,000 38,739,142,811 XRP
Bitcoin Cash 27,984,875,001 511,500,000 16,931,900 BCH
Cardano 16,619,226,288 621,328,000 25,927,070,538 ADA
Stellar 11,290,854,816 672,873,000 17,867,990,733 XLM
Litecoin 9,941,796,985 355,374,000 54,920,683 LTC
EOS 9,103,236,207 1,475,830,000 627,432,934 EOS
NEO 9,069,515,000 318,594,000 65,000,000 NEO
NEM 8,582,471,999 48,791,600 8,999,999,999 XEM
Name Price (usd) Change 1h (%) Change 24h (%)
Bitcoin 11,405.00 0.41 -0.63
Ethereum 1,065.33 0.62 -0.76
Ripple 1.31 -0.07 -3.37
Bitcoin Cash 1,652.79 0.67 -1.14
Cardano 0.64 0.57 1.34
Stellar 0.63 2.06 11.18
Litecoin 181.02 0.16 -0.34
EOS 14.51 0.41 1.57
NEO 139.53 0.68 0.87
NEM 0.95 0.51 -3.06


Rank: 25
Price: $6.45
Volume(24h): $313,507,000
Market capital: $1,599,435,428
Available supply: 247,850,368
Total supply: 264,824,462
Percent change (1h): -1.77
Percent change (24h): 5.11
Percent change (7d): 48.06

Cryptocurrency News - Top Stories !

Russia's finance ministry ready to regulate, not ban crypto-FX - Reuters

Reuters: MOSCOW (Reuters) - ... finance ministry said on Thursday it was working on legislation that would regulate crypto-currency transactions without fully banning them, although it would not let digital FX be used as a mean of payment in Russia. The ...

Nigeria may regulate bitcoin trade, calling the crypto-currency a ... - Business Day

Business Day: The governor of the ... central bank has not given details, but is the latest of many countries looking to regulate the digital currency, including the UK.and more ...

New Crypto Exchange Promises Dividends to Investors - Cointelegraph (Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain News)

Cointelegraph (Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain News): Earlier this January, the global cryptocurrency market exceeded $700 bln, reaching an all-time high in the valuation of all cryptocurrencies combined. Market capitalization amplifies an ... value by that ... overall amount in circulation. The ...

May, Lagarde, Mnuchin: World Leaders Are Talking Crypto at Davos - CoinDesk

CoinDesk: World leaders have struck a cautionary tone on cryptocurrencies in statements made during the World Economic Forum (WEF) event in Davos, Switzerland. From the Prime Minister of the U.K. to the Treasury Secretary of the U.S., the event has seen a number ...

Russian Bill Draft Requires Gov't Officials To Declare... | News ... - Cointelegraph (Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain News)

Cointelegraph (Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain News): In a recent interview with the Russian news outlet Gazeta, the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Financial Markets, Anatoly Aksakov stated that the current draft of Russian cryptocurrency bill requires government officials to declare their ...and more ...

Security Firm Guardtime Unveils Crypto Asset Storage Product - CoinDesk

CoinDesk: Data security firm Guardtime and blockchain startup Metaco have jointly launched a new cryptocurrency asset management product. Dubbed "Silo," the product was unveiled in Geneva earlier this week in a bid to provide a storage solution for investors in ...

Maingear's luxury Bitcoin mining PC comes with exclusive crypto currency rates - TechRadar

TechRadar: Of course, outside of ... network, users will be able to use their rig to mine all types of crypto currency, including Litecoin, Dash and even ... zGold. Maingear has yet to divulge the full specifications of its ACM computers, their price or ...

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