Thrive is now LIVE on QRYPTOS


QUOINE and Thrive are pleased to announce the listing of Thrive token on QRYPTOS (

QRYPTOS is QUOINE’s fully digital cryptocurrency exchange and trading platform launched in June 2017.

Thrive is a utility token and the only currency used in Thrive Marketplace to buy/sell digital advertising. Thrive Token is used as well to reward user for data sharing and website quality review.

Thrive tokens represent an opportunity for advertisers that want to buy advertisement at low cost.

The Advertising industry is multi-billion dollar business that doesn’t make consumers any richer and heavily affects advertisers in terms of pricing and brand reputation risks. Same for publishers when it comes to get paid or get banned without any clear explanation. The Thrive Labs Team is launching a revolutionary Premium Decentralized Advertising Marketplace. Consumers that everyday keep sharing their data using social logins in the internet are supporting this business without earning a single cent.

At Thrive, we turn this model upside down, giving back control to people and improving everyone’s financial performance. People get back control of their data and finally earn money just surfing on the web. All data is profiled, made anonymous and stored in our blockchain. All sensible information is destroyed; the team want people’s data to be safe with them.

People control as well which publishers deserve to be in this market place, reviewing the quality of their websites. And get rewarded for it. Advertisers and publishers will be paying less for the same service and monetize much faster thanks to blockchain and smart-contracts. Publishers won’t be worried anymore, will get paid immediately and much more than before.

Advertisers will be confident that their brand is protected and their advertisement is reaching the right audience. Thrive platform provides you the best consumers insight like never before.

Existing problems in this industry include: Nobody knows how much advertising networks charge you. Also, user’s data which is worth billions to companies, is taken for free. There is a lack of transparency in terms of exactly what kind of content ads will appear next to. There is a lack of transparent ads rules. Publishers are getting banned without any clear explanation. Websites have no incentives to improve their content, degrading the internet quality. Publishers’ payment is not guaranteed and very slow. (average 60–100 days)

Project track record:

· Private Sale Opening, January, 05th 2018

· Thrive Partnership with Origin Protocol — January, 16th, 2018

· Thrive Prototypes and Alpha testing released — January, 31st 2018

· Private Sale closes with 3.3M USD raised — February, 05th 2018

· JOLYY announced as early adopter of THRIVE AD Marketplace — February, 11th 2018

· Launch of fundraising campaigns on KICKICO and WINGS DAO — February, 14th 2018

· Pre Sale Opening — February, 15th 2018

· Public Sale Openinng — March, 10th 2018

· Public Sale: 80% tokens sold out in Day 1 — March, 11th 2018

· Public Sale Closure: 85% tokens sold out — April, 05th 2018

For more information, see:

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.13
JST 0.028
BTC 56570.01
ETH 3028.13
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.29