TURMOIL: Goldman Sachs F***S Crypto!

There is no doubt that for a BTC economy to prosper, the currency needs more users to find it current.

That is the definition of a currency – it needs to move, like a current.

Now, we all know that fiat currencies are problematic, but cryptocurrencies are also man-made.

Gold and silver are unique in the fact that nature produces them. Take all of the Albert Einstein’s that have ever existed, put them in a room from now to eternity, and they couldn’t create even one flake of gold. It is not humanly possible.

This is the reason gold and silver have been around for thousands of years and have been used as money – they never change.

Man-made currencies are temporary, and we’re entering a period, dominated by digital forms of currency.

Right now, the bridge, connecting current BTC users with the masses that are still not experiencing it, are large banks and, of course, regulators. We need their participation to make BTC global and popular.

A couple of days ago, Goldman Sachs, one of the largest banks in the world, announced that it is halting its plans to launch a crypto trading desk. Crypto markets sold off, as a result.

To Pure Blockchain Wealth, this proves just how early we are in this movement, since news like this, would not cause panic with a broad-based currency, only a new one.

This is good because it shows that BTC is definitely in its early days.

By the end of October, Pure Blockchain Wealth will be releasing a 45-minute full-length documentary on the state of the crypto economy, its history, its present, and its likely future.

At this point, we are focusing on opportunities in a broad spectrum of sectors, which include breakthrough technology and blockchain.

Make sure you remain alert and updated on all of the incredible developments that are occurring in this sector:

  1. Patents are being filed by companies that create new ways of securing digital assets.
  2. Intel and SAP are getting involved heavily in blockchain.
  3. IBM continues to run forward with Stellar to produce a real-time payment system.
  4. Alibaba ranked No.1 in the world for blockchain patents.

This industry is moving ahead, full throttle.

Best Regards,
Brad Robbins
President, PureBlockchainWealth.com

Released on PureBlockchainWealth.com 2018-09-07

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