It’s extremely hard to pinpoint the bottom for any asset class, but Ripple’s (XRP) trading pattern is an incredibly good sign.

Courtesy: CoinMarketCap.com

No doubt, the crypto market has been through a religious experience this year, with the majority of crypto naysayers claiming, “I told you so,” on 2018’s catastrophic bear market.

What investors like me have certainly agreed with was that in Q4 of 2017, we saw crazy overvaluations, but we did make sure to point out that specific crypto projects have clear and noticeable value, which will survive the bust.

Pure Blockchain Wealth has kept its stance that fundamentals and only fundamentals will restore order and balance back in their place. Extremes, both euphoria and panic, are not prevailing attitudes, in the end.

We’re excited to see RIPPLE (XRP), then, receiving investors’ attention, as they are launching their XRapid product onto the banking system.

I want to see more evidence, though, confirming that other projects are making similar progress, before resuming my bullish trading action. Ripple (XRP), which I invested in at $0.22 just about a year ago, then took profits later above $2.06, is certainly capable of igniting interest and proving that these projects are much more valuable than the media gives them credit for.

For now, my focus remains steadfast on cannabis opportunities, which are on the launching pad, about to go parabolic, as Canada makes their official announcement in one month, becoming the first developed nation to lead cannabis out of the dark ages into the 21st century.

Later this year or by the end of 2019, I fully expect the U.S. to lift the veil on CBD, at least, making medical cannabis legal on the federal front.

It’s about damn time they would look at scientific facts, instead of rhetoric.

The U.S., indeed the entire world, is undergoing enormous changes right now, and Pure Blockchain Wealth will be encapsulating the most important trends in the globe to be aware of in our Wednesday letter this week.

On top of this, we are accelerating the publication of our Attack List, comprised of three new cannabis stock picks, the first of which is going to shock you to the core.

I expect another incredible ending quarter for the calendar year, just as 2017 gave us.

Best Regards,

Brad Robbins
President, PureBlockchainWealth.com

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This work is based on SEC filings, current events, interviews, corporate press releases and what we’ve learned as financial journalists. It may contain errors and you shouldn’t make any investment decision based solely on what you read here. It’s your money and your responsibility. The information herein is not intended to be personal legal or investment advice and may not be appropriate or applicable for all readers. If personal advice is needed, the services of a qualified legal, investment or tax professional should be sought.

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Original Article Available HERE

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