in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

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The blockchain have established importance over the years with the traditional tokens like bitcoin and Etherium widely acceptable across the chain. The blockchain is gradually edging towards mass adoption as some of the underlying challenges plaguing the system are gradually being resolved through decentralization. Furthermore, in order to meet up with the high demand of transactions that take place in the blockchain every day,
A lot of platforms are established. These platforms are built with different frameworks. The two blockchain framework groups are however flawed with limitations.

Using a blockchain Framework comes in two options :

#1 Do you want to build a completely new blockchain notwithstanding the type?
#2 Or probably you might want to base your design on pre existing blockchains like Ethereum or EOS?
Whatever the case may be, choosing any of these two options comes with issues that targets the loopholes of certain blockchain technologies. The first option for instance is the ability to design a brand new blockchain that is secure as long as the user maintains a 51% hashing power which should not be overcome to avoid hack attacks. Another issue is that it may have to rely on other existing blockchains and grow at their mercy. This is a very bad premise for the introduction of a new public blockchain.
Building a new blockchain involves lots of technical processes that developers have to undertake in order to get their desired result. When a new blockchain is being designed, it can be vulnerable for interference from users with block confirmation permission who may may hijack the whole blockchain building process with enough mining power. The alternative that involves using trusted nodes may cause some sort of reliance on a central authority that would decide whether particular node is trusted or not. This defeats the real sense behind a decentralized blockchain which bridge the gap which a centralized system created. In the real sense, building your own blockchain should be devoid of unnecessary dependence on other blockchains because doing so will help build decentralization for their platforms but yours will stagnate and probably die from lack of attention and structural build.

Issues with Building an Enterprise

Opening up a company or a business enterprise involves lots of planning and structure determination including bringing shareholders on board. When the shareholders of a particular enterprise are determined, issues of power votes and sovereign authority may arise pending on their individual shares. This could cause a lot of disruption for the company and may lead to corporate sabotage and loss in millions for the company including their reputation on the public front.
Another situation may arise from trust issues from dubious shareholders or CEOs roping an enterprise into money laundering and scam scandals. Lots of law suits have been filed in cases like this which leads to loss of billions of dollars in court settlement.
The whole disagreement and complications in planning the structure of a corporation necessitated a planning template to take care of the complex work of organizational structure. This was how the Hashbon project was established.


HASHBON is a decentralized platform built in the blockchain for the easy planning of the structure and hierarchical content involved in the establishment of corporate organization. The project covers the determination of the shareholders votes, creating a safe environment for investors to come in and apply their intents on the company commodities. What makes the HASHBON project unique is that it easily automated the whole process making it easier and user friendly for the parties involved.

The HASHBON Execution Method

This includes the setting up of a unitary and transparent Investor Relationship Management(IRM) for the management of investor relations on the blockchain. This is done in several steps that is targeted at solving investor shareholder relations.

The solutions involves:

#1 The creation of a Universal Blockchain Framework that is targeted at the creation of subsequent blockchain applications. Hence, it is an open source code which is available to blockchain developers across the globe. The framework is initiated by the IRM. This will ensure a more cheaper, reliable and efficient way of decentralization without deviating from the core model of the blockchain decentralization system.
#2 This is where the transparency of the structure building of an organization is implemented. That includes, general record of the logistics and statistics of the company including shares and assets wherever they may be around the globe. This said information is shared in varying degrees to all company employees although the higher hierarchy like mangers and shareholders receives the major recorded data than the lower structure.
#3 The Register of all company shareholders are drawn up in a scalable manner according to the magnitude of their individual shares. This will help in ratifying their voting power in all investor related transactions.
#4 A common ground for understanding between the management of the company and its shareholders are also determined swiftly and efficiently. This will eliminate all manners of insolence and mutiny from any member of the shareholding committee. This is legalized and recorded in third party signed legal agreements to keep all members honest and any erring member is prosecuted.


The whole HASHBON process will help in the execution easy administrative work of any corporation and the data are stored in a secure encrypted storage on the HASHBON blockchain. This increases better communication among shareholders, transparency on all levels of administration and a more profitable solution for the company going forward. If you want to build an enterprise with ease and without stress, look no further than HASHBON .


Hashbon Official Website

All images credited to Hashbon Official Website

Writer: prinxeton
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