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RE: Credit Card Crypto purchase fees to increase

Excellent article, @cryptokeepr! I agree with you that the last line gets the camel's nose into the tent as anytime the IRS gets a new tool to log and investigate you can bet the whole body of government will appear shortly thereafter. Our entire system of government is funded by a "voluntary at the point of a gun and verified by whatever unconstitutional method of data mining we can get away with" system, so it should not surprise us that the banksters want more money and get their friends in government to cast a blind eye on illegal activities so they backdoor IRS access to priviledged financial data. If the IRS wants to know what you spend money on they usually have to get a warrant, so this amounts to 4th Amendment illegal search and seizure.
On a different note, do you know if cryptocurrency purchases are governed by the SAR $5,000/10,000 standards if bought with fiat money (or other crypto for that matter, on second thought) from a regular bank account electronically? That would really bother me if every time I bought a Bitcoin the Treasury was getting an alert of potential money laundering...
Great thoughts, upvoted, and following:-)


I'm not sure about that SAR standard. The only thing I know for sure that the government has gotten from coinbase is data about users who've made large withdrawals (over 20K I think).

And you pose an interesting point about illegal search and seizure. It seems they think that law doesn't apply to data as the NSA pokes around everywhere all over the globe, even into the affairs of other world leaders. This crap is getting way out of hand.

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