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RE: WHAT'S YOUR VIEW ON BOTS? Promotion tool or necessary evil? Let me share my personal view.

Great post, Piotr. Lets's face it, bots aren't the problem, but really only a shitty bandage (fix) and a necessary evil to try and survive in all the shitty algorithms of the entire steem blockchain. Bloomberg nailed Ned on poor quality on steemit in their interview of him a few weeks ago and he said little to defend the fact that there really is good content on steemit that doesn't rise to the surface organically simply because they screwed up the system from the start and it has become somewhat of a dog-eat-dog game of bot votes to gain some sort of visibility, which skews the trending page (where Bloomberg looked at to get their publicized opinion). I doubt they will ever fix it, because it's become a proverbial cat chasing it's tail cycle where many of the whale witnesses are running most of the bots.

As far as your opinion, Piotr, I agree that it is worth a try to see if that may work better than loosing money the main way bots are used. But be aware that they had stated in several places I've seen that they are manipulating the SBD price to push back down to being par with 1 USD and that in my view is to going to complicate matters all the more. So in my view, if it's broken and they haven't fixed it in at least the year this bot debate has been raging, I doubt they ever will and my time and energy is better spent on, where visibility is much better from the start and their isn't a whale economy, which steps on the little guys.


hi @positivesynergy

again im sorry for such a delay with replying to that message. somehow i've missed it. thank you also for reminding about that comment of yours.

i like the fact that you used word 'algorithms' because it's always about it. and they will always be some people abusing it and trying just to make for a living.

myself i always wonder why people care so much about trending page. almost if it would really matters if half of it is promoted low quality junk.
dont you think? do you think that trening page should be steemit priority?

Do allow you to engage with people the way steemit does? The reason why i'm here is because it seem to be quite easy to spot valuable people from within this industry.
And personally that's my goal. To surround myself with people and opportunities. Im not sure how easy or difficult it is on busy or
Could you please share your current experience?


Hi Piotr,

The trending page is important simply because that's all anyone not allowed into steemit's strict gatekeeper member system can ever see from the outside. Thus, Bloomberg's main objective seemed to nail Ned on how poor steemit quality is and Ned said so nothing to defend it, because the algorithm isn't working to bring the quality that is on steemit to the top in the trending page, because the skew the voting bots causes.

It's kind of funny, actually now that I think about it, that with me promoting Minds on steemit the last month or so, that someone tried to bring bots over to Minds to game the system there and what did Minds just do last week - they redid their algorithm to limit the reward mechanism of the upvotes to one per user account per day (meaning more networking is needed) but at the same time the overall daily rewards quadrupled. Now it's fairly easy to make $10-15/day, if you work the system actively, subscribing, liking, reminding (like resteeming), etc. Streemit has had the problem of bots for at least a year I've traced the debate back to and still hasn't been improved, even after being embarrassed like that on Bloomberg.

Do allow you to engage with people the way steemit does?

I'm not really sure what you mean by "allow", as engaging with people is really this whole idea of social media. On Minds in my experience there is far more engagement that Steemit, given Minds is a true social networking site, whereas Steemit really isn't at all, but is more a blog site only, which has been another of the many criticisms of steemit. Of course each has their pros and cons. Most people I know on steemit are also on Minds, and if nothing else use minds to promote their steemit posts, which actually look much better there than on steemit, quite ironically, and drive more traffic to their steemit post.

thank you for your amazing reply. I really hope I will finally find some extra time to explore minds. You definetly marketed it very well :)

You really seem lost in following up in steemit. Is it going to take you 9 or 10 days to reply to this one to?

You really seem to enjoy making me feel awful @positivesynergy

I've realized lately that every now and then your comments are unpleasant and I found them unnecessary.

Steemit is not my job, Im not full time professional writter (as you are) and yet Im still more responsive that most members here. So far you're the only person upset at me for replying with some delays. Truth is that I'm travelling workwise a lot and steemit is just a passions. That's just the way it is. So every now and then I will have some delays with commenting. No need to be upset about it.

Plus I dont know what should I reply whenever you're promoting so heavily here on

I appreciate the fact that you recommended that platform once.


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