Cryptomonasia: Russian company wants to compete with China


few days ago, Russian Miner Coin announced that it had raised the equivalent of $ 43 million after an ICO (Initial Coin Offering, ie a fundraiser based on the issue of exchangeable assets against cryptomata). Today, this company communicates more precisely about its ambitions to successfully compete with China in the mining market. If it has a nice nest egg, it is still far from having managed to raise the $ 100 million expected by launching this ICO, although it is a record for a similar operation in Europe (assuming, of course, that the Russian territory to the west of the Urals is integrated into the Old Continent).
We have nevertheless raised enough money to launch our project. We only needed $ 10 million to start production of the Multiclet, our new generation of processors entirely focused on cryptomonetary mining. The rest of the money will be used largely to develop a chip called Sunrise, serving for the security of the platform. So we have already started working and will be able to carry out our projects, "the Russian Miner Coin said in a reassuring tone. The company's idea is to take advantage of a lower Russia (80 kopecks of the Kilowatt-hour, or 0.012 €) compared to China to compete successfully with the main mining players of cryptomonas who are mostly Chinese.

While waiting to be able to base its development on its new Multiclet and Sunrise chips, Russian Miner Coin deploys mining solutions based on the Bitfury infrastructures which has data centers in Iceland and Georgia. All this happens in a context where cryptomonas take off in Russia under the leadership of Dmitry Marinichev, co-founder of Russian Miner Coin and advisor to Vladimir Putin in the field of Internet and new technologies - a double cap that is worth a few polemics. The latter intends to make Russia an unavoidable actor in the cryptomony market, who declared "the shape of the currencies that one uses every day is about to disappear" in an interesting article entitled "Forget oil, Russia is going mad about cryptomoney".

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