Winstars: Blockchain to revolutionize Gambling Sector

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

In the recent years, with the advancements in the living standards of people, smartphones occupying hands of public and technological developments, a sector which developed at a very fast pace is Gambling. A high factor growth is witnessed by the business observers in this sector. The average earning growth rate of gambling industry is 9% for the last seven years which is about three times more than the global growth rate of GDP. The technological advancement in the recent decades like accessibility to high speed internet has made the gambling a lot popular especially online casino market. The online gambling industry is growing with a very high speed as compared to traditional businesses. This is because the operational and management costs are significantly lower as compared to the traditional casinos.Instead of these positive factors, the gambling industry is facing some serious challenges which are hindering the development of online gamblers. These are listed below :
The major challenge is the fraud faced by the clients in the gambling industry.
Use of wrong algorithms by gambling machines in calculations.
Risk of account blocking by banking institution in case of winning a jackpot and its subsequent confiscation by the bank account these activities aren't legally permissible in some countries.

The Solution


Winstars came up with an amazing solution to solve these challenges which are becoming an obstacle in the growth of the gambling industry. Winstars is an international gambling operator which is equipped with highly advanced IT solutions. It is built as a decentralised ecosystem via integration of Blockchain Technology. Winstars aims to build a decentralised platform backed up with Blockchain using smart contracts to ensure fair distribution of random numbers and playing cards at casino's tables & poker rooms. Plus it ensures reliable distribution of funds to the clients account in situation of winning. The Blockchain Technology allows a complete transparent structure of this platform. The platform's own cryptocurrency makes the processes even more transparent and trustworthy. WINS tokens will be used to carry out monetary transactions on the Winstars Platform.

Decentralised system with a warranty of win pay-off
Checking of casino's fairness can be done at any stage as it is a decentralized ecosystem.
Large scalings and ability to attract new clients.
Hidden transaction commission is no more there.A good transparency is maintained.

WINS Token Sale
Winstars have their own cryptocurrency named as WINS tokens. The main use of these token is to carry out gambling operations on the platform. The token is an ERC20 compliant type. The total token supply equals 150,000,000 WINS. 80,500,000 are available for the main ICO period which is in progress now.


WINS Team</>
The team behind this gambling crypto venture is headed by Egor Volotkovich.Bogdan Malkevich is the Chief Technical Officer of the project. The team includes other experts like Nikita Dashkevich, Andrey Zaitsev, Dmitriy Tanets and many more.

Winstars is an innovative idea based project aiming to revolutionize the online gambling industry. The venture has started its journey in the third quarter of 2017 and has come a long way. The project is expected to get launched by the second quarter of 2019. Its ICO period is going on and we can hopeful of the working model to come soon.

For more details visit



Published By- Pooja Jur
Btalk Profile-;u=1217469

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