Time to celebrate! We've been on Steemit for 1 year!

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Hooray! Our first Steemit anniversary!

Technically it was two days ago but it still calls for a celebration ;)


Thanks for all the support everyone! A special thank you goes out to all of our 1522 followers!

Schermafbeelding 2018-01-23 om 18.15.10.png

Looking forward to keep all of you up to date on all things PIVX right here! But don't forget, if you want more you should definitely join our Discord. We'd love to have you all join our community there!

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ALL PIVX community members, feel free to RESTEEM this article! Let’s keep spreading the word of our amazing community focused privacy centric global cryptocurrency.

Keep it purple people!



Awesome, Congrats. Listing on Binance was your gift.

As Maui would say (or sing?) "YOU'RE WELCOME!"

Seems there's been a LOT of buzz around Zcash and it's ZClassic lately, any chance you can shed some bullet points on why PIVX is going to be better long term than Zcash?

Well... we can really only point you towards our roadmap for 2018. ;)
Or come and talk about it on our Discord!

HAPPY FIRST YEAR, and more to come.

Happy anniversary bro


To many more!

Happy 1st anniversary dear bro enjoy...but im new commer im joining this year ...dear bro can you give me support in your bottom of heart @pivx

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 65248.25
ETH 3471.40
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.51